• This section is NOT for leaving Member feedback. To leave a Member feedback regarding a Classified transaction simply go to the Members profile and click the ADD FEEDBACK button.
Please use the REPORT function to bring issues to the attention of the Admin. Posting a thread about it does not necessarily get direct attention. AGN admin is focused on the continued improvement of the platform. Customer REPORT and feedback is the best way to share your experience.
I uploaded the AGN app and it is not working as well as the website. I doubt that I am the only person experiencing these issues. It closes when I go to certain pages and I can’t post from the app. Frustrating.
Thanks for reporting this. I’m unable to duplicate your issue. Please take a short video screen shot and attach it here (use the Attach button below the body) so that we can look into it further.

Thank you.
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The app has loaded correctly and is working without any issues at this time. no problems.
But…When I follow a link, to Amazon page for example, how do I return to the AGN page that sent me? I don’t see a back button, but I am still on the AGN page and have to start my search again from the beginning because I don’t see how to return to my last page.