FX Are expensive PCPs worth it?

Are highend guns worth it?

  • Yes.

  • Yes, but only for competition shooting.

  • Yes, but 2k is too much.

  • No.

  • No, but they are nice to have.

  • Never had a gun cost over a grand.

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All I can say is FX gets a lot of press. There are quite a few out there in the same/less price range that will do the same thing out of box. In a lot of cases better IMO. Then you'll be spending more money on the FX after the initial purchase to get it to perform as well as the others. Of course, to each their own.
like a Brk ghost or day state same thing there no better.
then all the hype with the new skout which used fx liners at one point and electronics great for video games no place for air rifle imo.
don't see those skouts just work out of the box we have 3 guys in our group with them they have their glitches
been in this hobby now for 20+ years seen alot of guns come and go.
fx spent some money in advertisement across the board and they have some issues as all do, the whiners rather complain than just move on
don't like it sell it buy another brand that simple,
all these higher end guns have their own different quirks i have found over the years.
in reality the 2k guns should be 1200 but in today's world it's all about that dollar.
how i see it the 2-500 guns work fine even modded i have 3 notos and 2 pp750 in all configurations there all fun to shoot for their purpose.
its when you want to turn up the wick to the tune of 60 70 80 + FPE that where the more expensive guns shine due to the quality materials and machine work on top of being built to handle it.
yes the less expensive guns can do what the higher priced guns can when modded, problem is they just don't last and cannot handle those power levels long. one of my umarex notos and a pp750 Snow peaks with a 380mm barrel maxed out will fly a 25g jsb at 980-990 fps with over 52fpe but i would not want to shoot either gun much at that level, it would just be a matter of time before they self-destruct, vs having a gun that can, all day long.
I'm new here on the forum but far from new at the pcp, powder burners and break barrels this is just my opinion in what i see.
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