Are the Chinese going to bounce the European stuff?

Will AEA and JTS replace JSB and H&N ammo? Many benchrest shooters seem to think so. Superior weight consistency being huge. I’m not a benchrest guy, so , do tell.
Not really, Statistically speaking, in a year's time you will start to see variations in quality of the Chinese manufacturers because then the onus will be on profitability and sustenance at such bare bones margins. JSB and H&N are market leaders they will recover from the overwhelming demand side pressure, the moment they do I don't think the sportsperson will want to be associated with anything other than the OG brands.
I agree - long term quality control is always the key question. Chinese suppliers tend to focus on holding cost without increase and cutting quality to make ends meet. Euro and US suppliers tend to let cost increase while holding quality. (Household appliances being a major exception).

As for quality, I did shoot a 200 score (actually 240) on a 30-yard challenge target using JTS 22.07's. So the consistency is there at least some of the time.
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I tried a couple weights of the JTS .22 stuff and none shot better than JSB. They probably outshoot H&N, but not JSB.

Biggest issue I see with the JTS (dunno if AEA is the same) is the hardness of the lead. Shoot very much of a high antimony pellet and it's going to be literal hell to get that barrel back to a good place with quality soft lead pellets like JSB.
I agree - long term quality control is always the key question. Chinese suppliers tend to focus on holding cost without increase and cutting quality to make ends meet. Euro and US suppliers tend to let cost increase while holding quality. (Household appliances being a major exception).
If this is the case, then someone needs to notify the Fast Food Industry! :ROFLMAO:
I've only tested a few JTS and no AEA pellets. I probably should test some more. I have sorted JSB and H&N pellets both for weight and head size. I have seen point of impact and accuracy changes from head size changes. I have not seen point of impact or accuracy changes from sorting pellets by weight. It does not seem as important in my guns. I normally only shoot to 35 yards or less, however. It may make more differences at long ranges. JSB charging what they charge and being as inconsistent in weight as they seem to be these days is a bit annoying but I don't think it's hurting the accuracy in my guns.

I think that the Chinese government has the ability to make pellets better and/or cheaper than JSB and H&N but I doubt they will do it. Maybe they already are and I just haven't used enough to notice. But I suspect they will make pellets good enough to get some market share and not worry much about making the best possible pellets. They are doing this to make money. The others are too but I think they are more emotionally invested in making the best product they can.
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I tried a couple weights of the JTS .22 stuff and none shot better than JSB. They probably outshoot H&N, but not JSB.

Biggest issue I see with the JTS (dunno if AEA is the same) is the hardness of the lead. Shoot very much of a high antimony pellet and it's going to be literal hell to get that barrel back to a good place with quality soft lead pellets like JSB.

Hi Franklink,

Wow! That is an interesting observation you make regarding high antimony/hardness pellets.

What happens to a barrel shooting the high antimony pellets that degrades /changes its performance?

Is the lead residue from the high antimony pellets hard to remove - say via a patchworm type cleaning?

Does extended use of the high antimony pellet cause changes in the barrel beyond lead residue deposits?

In your opinion/experience, would the effect of using the high antimony pellets be lessened if used in a barrel with extremely smooth rifling - i.e. like an FX barrel with its pressed in rifling?

I had been considering giving the JTS and AEA a try - maybe I’ll reconsider based on your experience…
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A barrel that has had a lot of hard pellets fired through it will not be happy when/if you go back to soft JSB pellets.

I don't know the why, but I've seen it with a couple different guns, of varying power plants and barrel manufacturers.

The barrel can usually be made to perform with JSB again, but it required brushes and cleaning rods and abrasive agents, not simple pull throughs like the patch worm.

I dealt with it enough times that I swore off Crosman premiers. Yeah they're cheap, but you pay for it with time if you go back to shooting something competition worthy (JSB).

The couple weights of JTS that I've tried are every bit as hard as Crosman Premiers.
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Hi Franklink,

Wow! That is an interesting observation you make regarding high antimony/hardness pellets.

What happens to a barrel shooting the high antimony pellets that degrades /changes its performance?

Is the lead residue from the high antimony pellets hard to remove - say via a patchworm type cleaning?

Does extended use of the high antimony pellet cause changes in the barrel beyond lead residue deposits?

In your opinion/experience, would the effect of using the high antimony pellets be lessened if used in a barrel with extremely smooth rifling - i.e. like an FX barrel with its pressed in rifling?

I had been considering giving the JTS and AEA a try - maybe I’ll reconsider based on your experience…
In my experience with the AEA pellets in .30 caliber, they are no worse (or better) as far as keeping the barrel clean or difficulty in cleaning. I shoot the 45-grain version from my .30 Skout and clean the barrel about once every 500 shots. Just run a wet patchworm through, then a couple dry ones and back to normal. This is with a .30 FX 700mm liner 1:40 twist, polished to a very smooth finish. Other barrels may vary...
I’ve found that for me it takes a very, very tight patch to pull the JTS lead out of my barrels, and it seems there is more of it than with JSB. I agree with Franklink that they are as hard as Crosman pellets. I have a couple sleeves of JTS pellets, so I’ll be using them for a bit.
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I agree - long term quality control is always the key question. Chinese suppliers tend to focus on holding cost without increase and cutting quality to make ends meet. Euro and US suppliers tend to let cost increase while holding quality. (Household appliances being a major exception).

As for quality, I did shoot a 200 score (actually 240) on a 30-yard challenge target using JTS 22.07's. So the consistency is there at least some of the time.
those jts dead center 22.07 are stupidly accurate for me as well
I think that what has been shown in the past year or so is that it is anyone's game to win or lose at. Shooters just want the most accurate ammo period. Complacency is not going to be rewarded by anybody. If you are number one now, the only way to stay there is to stay the best. I know most shooters would rather buy American, but at the end of the day no competitor is going to use anything other than the most accurate ammo they tested, regardless of origin.
I’ve found that for me it takes a very, very tight patch to pull the JTS lead out of my barrels, and it seems there is more of it than with JSB. I agree with Franklink that they are as hard as Crosman pellets. I have a couple sleeves of JTS pellets, so I’ll be using them for a bit.View attachment 479056
That looks like a serious leading issue. I don't think I've ever had leading quite that size.
Not really, Statistically speaking, in a year's time you will start to see variations in quality of the Chinese manufacturers because then the onus will be on profitability and sustenance at such bare bones margins. JSB and H&N are market leaders they will recover from the overwhelming demand side pressure, the moment they do I don't think the sportsperson will want to be associated with anything other than the OG brands.
I agree! But in turn, they will need to prove it. Production talks, BS walks. A different slant to a time honored tradition.