Tuning Are the in cylinder Huma-Air regulators standard sizes in terms of the regulator tester?

I have the Taipan Veteran (first edition) that I love. I've had it for almost 4 years now and I don't foresee myself getting rid of it. As it's been discontinued, I know accessories for it will become harder to find. I just bought the tactical stock for it since I loved the way it looks when I first saw it 3 years ago. I read somewhere that they're not making that stock anymore.

As for my question, my Taipan has the Huma-Air regulator. I don't have any plans to change the tune right now but I really want to have the regulator tester for it when I do. Are the Huma regs standard fit or are they custom to certain guns? If they are standard, I will feel comfortable holding off in buying the tester for now.
To answer my own question for anyone looking back who has the same question, the Huma-Air reg testers fit most standard size Huma-Air regulators because the reg tester don't actually seal around the diameter of the regulators. It seals at the top and bottom or the reg housing. The regulator of the Taipan Veteran is MUCH smaller than the inside diameter of the tester but it still works fine.