Are we having fun yet?

I'm amazed by my air guns every time I shoot them. Yes, they make me happy and I'm having fun. Some days are better than others but hey if they were always excellent, I would get bored. I shoot a springer .20 cal out to 40 yards mostly with Irons sometimes off the back of a chair sometimes free standing. I have a wildcat compact I mostly shoot with a red dot free hand or leaning on a tree or post ETC. and a couple bench guns for longer ranges. They are all more accurate the me.
I am very competitive. Especially with myself. I am an avid archer, and try to get some form of practice in several times a week if not daily. I have realized that the harder I push for a decent score, the stress level goes up as well as the frustration. hence. I stop enjoying what I am doing. I have learned to take a few days off the target bows and drag out the traditional gear. I am using the same approach with my air rifle hobby. who needs sub moa all of the time. There are some nasty old soda cans that need killin. ;-)