Are Zbroia Rifles Still Being Made?

When I saw everyone getting excited over there I snagged one just in case they got obliterated. I think about selling it, shoot it to make sure it’s good to go and within five shots say no way I’m selling this. Top gun is the only one stateside that I ever saw selling them. And his stuff was OG Zbroia stuff. Which is what I wanted. He never got any gen 2 stuff.
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When I saw everyone getting excited over there I snagged one just in case they got obliterated. I think about selling it, shoot it to make sure it’s good to go and within five shots say no way I’m selling this. Top gun is the only one stateside that I ever saw selling them. And his stuff was OG Zbroia stuff. Which is what I wanted. He never got any gen 2 stuff.

So how do these compare to say a Taipan? There anything special about them? This is the first I’m hearing about them, might have to look further if they’re worth it…
So how do these compare to say a Taipan? There anything special about them? This is the first I’m hearing about them, might have to look further if they’re worth it…
It would be like comparing an Edgun to a Taipan. Both good, both different. I took mine apart shortly after receiving it. Not because I had to, it’s just how I judge a gun. You want to charge me X amount of dollars for a gun, I’m gonna see why. I like the thought process behind the build of the model I purchased. I can’t speak on behalf of their bullpups.
TopGuns only has a few variants in stock (most are "call for availability"), so I don't know if its his older stock, or they're just trickling in. The "2" models are the 2nd generation. It seems the only Kozak model currently produced is the FC2, which is the bullpup, rather than the semi version I have.

I bought a .22 Kozak Tactical 2 from a member here last year, and really like it. It's the longest version, with 550mm barrel & 290cc tube. I have emailed Zbroia a couple times, including a month or two ago, and have always gotten responses. I only asked specific hardware questions, as I figured they had enough else to deal with than idle chit-chat about how their business was going.

Zbroia is headquartered in Kharkiv, which is being subjected to brutal bombing. It seems they have a few retail sporting goods stores across the country, along with manufacturing air guns and a pistol in an odd-ball caliber. I know Taipan started in Ukraine as well, and I've read it was Kyiv. There are definite similarities between the guns, particularly the pictures of Mutants I've seen. My Vet II .25 is the standard 550mm, and is over 1.5 pounds heavier (not including scopes) than the Kozak.

Kozak & Vet II.jpg
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That would be the Gen 1, which Top Gun says they have in stock (in .22):

I've read several glowing reviews of the Hortitsia, as well.

@TN_Yankee I have a good idea where the rifles are available. I'm curious about the support (service, parts, warranty, etc). I also saw an FC version of that rifle. Do you the difference between the Kozac FC and the one you posted?

Very accurate and well made. The rifle too!

@orangeokie It looks like it shoots well. That's a unique magazine system. Any issues with POI shift? Leaks? What sort of regular later does Zbroia use? Any reg issues?
I haven't had a need for service or parts, happily. It is a concern, though. As for differences between the Kozak 2nd gen and the FC, I don't know for sure but suspect them to be minimal, primarily the shortened stock and loss of the adjustable cheek piece.

I received this email from them last (2023) summer. It references the Kozak 1st & 2nd generations, though, not the FC.


I've attached what they sent me for the Kozak 2nd gen. Note the stock is incorrect (shows a 1st gen), but other than that I haven't compared.

I don't have a full exploded diagram for the FC, just a partial:

Kozak FC partial.png

View attachment Kozak 2nd generation en.pdf
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