Arken Zulus Support and Educational Information

As a new 520R owner, I had a few startup issues. One of my first go-to steps is to google my question in the form of "Arken Zulus bluetooth connect.

The search results would often show very valuable information from the UK website. However, in many browsers when you click on that link, you will be automatically be sent to the US site.

The solution is to use a VPN and "re-locate" yourself to London. Lots of relevant information at ]
including setup information, and videos.
Hope this is useful.
Thanks for the info.
Ive mentioned this several times before, here at AGN.
I suspect that many web surfers in United States, have no idea that they are automatically being re-directed to a different web site.
In my opinion, the arken U.S. web site its a dis-service, and is NOT Arkens main web site.

Arkens latest and greatest products, are not even mentioned on the US site.
Its almost as if Arken has been hijacked ???
I choose to take my United States buisness elsewhere, as a result.
I really like Arkens products, but Im not a fan of whomever the mystery person is, that runs the Arken US web site.

Moral of the story:
If "US" is in the URL, then you are NOT on Arkens main web site, and your being short changed on the latest products and information!