Armadillo vs fx hybrid

I had been running the 47ish grain nsa. I’ll have to try the H&N. I need to turn the power up some, I like to have a complete pass through and honestly with how the hybrids come apart I don’t think it will happen.
That's where the H&N Slugs shine. They blow right through groundhogs under 60 yards.
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Nice shooting there Tex! Curious do you even bother trying to aim for their head? They must have rather small ones right? Or do you just aim at center “mass” heh ;).
I’m usually going just above the head. The head never stops moving. I’m normally going for a spine shot, it has been the most forgiving if they move at the last second. Then it’s still a good vitals shot. I’m also running 30cal with my 22 it’s head shots only.

Head shot 22 cal leshiy2
I don’t know why but I have a bunch of them, I got 13 last year. I just don’t normally record them or share them. I’ve never considered eating them, I just am tired of them digging holes in my pond levees.
@Cranky1 I was speaking to my aunt and uncle about this yesterday evening. They told me about people in the community that used to eat them. One women cooked them and served them up at church and people were complementing the "chicken." I guess she didn't tell them what they were eating. I'd considered eating some until I read that they sometimes eat carrion.
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