Managed to get a look inside the rifle much better made than previous efforts from SMK this snowpeak model seems to be better machined all around the semi-auto action appears to be activated in the shroud by back pressure on the Wight ring mechanism you can see in the pictures pushing the assembly back to cock the hammer and allow it to Spring forward again (I think the returning spring is somewhat oversized) engaging a pellet into the barrel. the white ring you see on the end of the semi-auto mechanism appears to be Delrin, although I'll bet it's touted as PTFE and is virtually the same size as the aluminium that is running in I do not believe this giving a good enough seal to allow pressure to push the cocking mechanism back. I'll have a bit of a tinker and post the results.
Sorry for any typos in this text I'm having to use speech to to text because I have a bit of a migraine. I'm practically working in the dark. Lol.
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