Tuning Artemis P15 Woes

Does this help any ? UP 9 Store on Aliexpress.


Try emailing Spa.That same thing happened to my Skyhawk just sitting in the window shooting it.Pulled the trigger on a shot and all the air started coming out.Anyway it was beginning of COVID and I told them PA was not responding and they sent me both parts and I added extra part here and part there just in case.Parts will be a couple dollars like 2-3 dollars but shipping will be 40 just so you know.
I went to Ace this morning and they were out of the taperedĀ springs in the size you want. You do not have to use a spring that heavy. In fact I was running my .22 without the spring for awhile but is was a pain to fill if the air pressure dropped to low. It took a couple of tries to get the first load of air to seat the poppet and close off the valve. Once it had enough pressure it worked but without the spring the air leaked through the barrel as pressure dropped under about 120-140 bar.

I installed a lighter weight spring and it works just fine. I have a new poppet and valve that I just got from England. I believe it cost me about fifty bucks. I looked for six months to finally get this set. They are for my .22 and work with the new Huma reg and air chamber combo. My old poppet is in the drawer but it was not seating properly and slow leaked. I would let you have it but afraid it would just be another problem for you.Ā 

I would email Bagnall and ask to be notified asap when the parts re-appear....

I went to Ace this morning and they were out of the taperedĀ springs in the size you want. You do not have to use a spring that heavy. In fact I was running my .22 without the spring for awhile but is was a pain to fill if the air pressure dropped to low. It took a couple of tries to get the first load of air to seat the poppet and close off the valve. Once it had enough pressure it worked but without the spring the air leaked through the barrel as pressure dropped under about 120-140 bar.

I installed a lighter weight spring and it works just fine. I have a new poppet and valve that I just got from England. I believe it cost me about fifty bucks. I looked for six months to finally get this set. They are for my .22 and work with the new Huma reg and air chamber combo. My old poppet is in the drawer but it was not seating properly and slow leaked. I would let you have it but afraid it would just be another problem for you.Ā 

I would email Bagnall and ask to be notified asap when the parts re-appear....


Thank you for having a looksee for me! I actually ended up ordering that same poppet you did last night lol. Now it's down to a spring. But, like you tried, I was thinking about maybe running it without a spring to see how it will work. I was reading everything I could find on poppets yesterday and came across a few people not running springs. It immediately made sense that the air pressure would act like a spring. Why did you go back to a spring?Ā 
Improved flow is the only benefit of removing the valve spring that I am aware of, but even that is a dubious thing inĀ most cases because that is seldom a choke point, and the flow characteristics are already predominantly turbulent.

I seem to remember reading a thread that you mentioned turbulent air being the norm in these guns. That makes a lot of sense since it is such a small amount of time that the valve is open and the air has to travel through and around quite a few objects. Thank you for helping me learn! I guess spring it is.
No problem. I wish I could have grasped these concepts as quickly as you have!

LOL that comes with a price, as you saw in the picture. I have been a tinkerer and learner all my life. I was the kid that took the toaster apart to learn. Made Mom VERY mad hahaha. Now I have grown intoĀ aĀ gorilla. But in all honesty, because of all the tinkering and mechanic-ing I have done all my life, I have witnessed too many times a tight tolerance that needs a forced hand. That is the situation here. Yes, it was my fault. But I have a good enough excuse to make me feel betterĀ šŸ‘¼
I need to get a picture to add but, I was able to find a spring that I *think* will work. It's still tight in the Xtremes bore; however, I think a little lapping compound would clean that up just enough. I will get a pic after work this afternoon. The spring was $1.29 before WA's cut. Not bad. I plan to see if I can clean up my munged up poppet enough to seal, at least until my new one shows up from the UK. My new LW barrel should also be here today, then, out goes the gun to A.E. Swede for machining. I'm really excited and nervous about that lol.Ā 

Thank you all that responded with helpful suggestions, answers, general support, and shared laughter at my gorilla selfĀ šŸ˜‚
When I built my P15, I experimented with different weight poppet return springs. Because the gun wasnā€™t a FX, I didnā€™t talk about the project much on this forum. Me and several guys over at GTA really went at these guns trying to get them performing with the good bullpups. One guy even experimented with a Cobra valve in his. What Iā€™m getting to is I saw no gains with a lighter or no spring in my P15. It may have been a half step forward in velocity but 3 steps back with my ES. The stock spring felt very heavy to me but it keeps my ES around 5fps over 36 shots. The bottom line with the P15 is this. With whatā€™s done to my gun, if I would have went a couple inches longer with my TJ barrel, it would be able to push slugs easily where they should be. But the gun would look dumb and not be the neat light little gun that originally attracted me to it. Unfortunately it will always be a Chinagun so as you start to lean on it harder, other things break. My gun was good for a year with conservative shooting but I think my poppet finally gave up the ghost last week when I put some maintenance shots through it. The 150b reg setting finally caught up with another substandard China part. I will probably make one out of peek this winter.
When I built my P15, I experimented with different weight poppet return springs. Because the gun wasnā€™t a FX, I didnā€™t talk about the project much on this forum. Me and several guys over at GTA really went at these guns trying to get them performing with the good bullpups. One guy even experimented with a Cobra valve in his. What Iā€™m getting to is I saw no gains with a lighter or no spring in my P15. It may have been a half step forward in velocity but 3 steps back with my ES. The stock spring felt very heavy to me but it keeps my ES around 5fps over 36 shots. The bottom line with the P15 is this. With whatā€™s done to my gun, if I would have went a couple inches longer with my TJ barrel, it would be able to push slugs easily where they should be. But the gun would look dumb and not be the neat light little gun that originally attracted me to it. Unfortunately it will always be a Chinagun so as you start to lean on it harder, other things break. My gun was good for a year with conservative shooting but I think my poppet finally gave up the ghost last week when I put some maintenance shots through it. The 150b reg setting finally caught up with another substandard China part. I will probably make one out of peek this winter.

How long did you make your barrel? I plan on 20in but have thought about 24in. You're right that it would probably ruin the look and feel of it.Ā 

I was a little hesitant myself to post here because of the same reasons. I did try posting on GTA but for whatever reason it would never post. FB has been helpful but I hate using it.Ā 
So I promised pics. I was going to tinker with it but am impromptu night with kiddo caused different priorities. I managed to get pics of the springs, poppet, and the Xtreme spring housing. Oh, and I got my Yong Heng! Now I need a weekend that's not filled with work or kids with short attention spans lol.

A member on the Artemis FB group sent me pics of his spring with him measuring with calipers. With that info I was able to find a usable spring. Hopefully it's about the correct weight. I'll have to use lapping compound in the new spring seat as it's just every so tight. No big deal. I'll post more pics when I get a chance!Ā 


My TJ barrel is 1 inch longer than stock. I am Pelletjunkie over on GTA so if you ever get bored you can search back to when we were banging our heads on the wall with these guns. Adding one inch didnā€™t change the balance and the gun is still a tight package. I hate silencers so I have a functioning shroud and my .25 shooting 900+fps is silent. Just goes ā€œtinkā€ when I shoot it.

My TJ barrel is 1 inch longer than stock. I am Pelletjunkie over on GTA so if you ever get bored you can search back to when we were banging our heads on the wall with these guns. Adding one inch didnā€™t change the balance and the gun is still a tight package. I hate silencers so I have a functioning shroud and my .25 shooting 900+fps is silent. Just goes ā€œtinkā€ when I shoot it.

What work did you do to the shroud? I hate the look of silencers on these pups.