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Events ASC FT Match is Saturday August 24

Good afternoon everyone,
ASC will have our next FT match on Saturday August 24, 2024 (the 4th Saturday of the month) starting at 9:00am. This match will be 56 shots match on 10 lanes using 3 targets per lane with one standing and one kneeling lane that have 2 targets each.

If anyone can help setup on Friday morning, please contact me at jeff-cloud@utexas.edu.

Gates will open at 7:30 for sight in and sign up.
Safety meeting at 8:45. Rifle match to start at 9:00am.
All rifles must be in a case or rifle carrier when moving between lanes.
Please note that it is a club rule that all shooters wear appropriate EYE protection. We don't have extras so remember to bring your own.

ASC Members $5, non-Members $10

Arlington Sportsman’s Club is located at: 11500 County Road 525, Mansfield, TX 76063(Also called Lillian Road)
Jeff Cloud
FT Match Report Arlington Sportsman’s Club 8/24/2024

Sixteen shooters decided to brave the August Texas heat today at the beautiful Arlington Sportsman's Club, but almost all said that it didn’t feel that hot. I guess 97F temps, 40% humidity, and 10-13mph winds from the south helped make the day feel “cooler” than expected. We had 2 shooters from Tulsa, OK, one shooter from Arkansas, and the rest of the bunch was from central and south Texas. The course was 56 shots on 10 lanes with one off-hand lane and one kneeling lane. The average Troyer this month was 33.6, SD 6.05, Avg Dist 31.6 yds, and Avg KZ 1.01”. Most shooter scores indicate that the course was a little tougher than normal, but not Brian S. who killed it with a 93% knockdown rate and score of 52/56.

The only really challenging lane of the day was Lane 13 with a target on top of a 16 foot tower 1t 40 yards, and mesquite branches that moved with the breeze back and forth in front of the KZ. We didn’t discover this interesting fact until after the first couple of groups shot the lane, and by then it was too late for anyone to protest. It turns out that most shooters hit it at least once, so I didn’t see the need to throw it out and mess with scoring. The other challenging target on this lane was a red wasp at 53 yards in the dark and partially obscured by tall grass. My assistant to the MD, Scott C, thought it was harder to focus on than a black target. It was also an illegal target by the fact that it was 1 1/8” rather than 1 ½”, but once again no one protested until after the match.

Here are the results:
August 2024 scores.png

Brian S won Hunter PCP with 52/56 followed by Derrick W with 48/56 in 2nd, and then Rick C with 47/56 in 3rd by way of best forced position performance. I won WFTF PCP with 42/56 and Mark Welker won WFTF Piston with 33/56.

Thanks to everyone for helping take down the course, it was very appreciated. Our September match will be on Saturday the 28th, with guest MD’s because the MD and AttMD will be out of town. We appreciate the ASC club members who are willing to stand in to run a match when Scott or I are unavailable. Thanks a bunch!

See you at the next next match,

Jeff Cloud
Field Target Match Director
Arlington Sportsman’s Club