At what pressure does the cricket .25 go off the regulator?

Hey guys. I tried searching for this on the forum and online on other forums as well. Haven't been able to get a definitive/scientific answer. Some say 110 bar and some say 125 to 135 bar.

I have the cricket in .25 and I shoot in windy conditions. No access to a chrony where I stay and the wind makes it a bit difficult to figure this out by looking at pellet drop.

Does anyone know at what pressure does the cricket .25 fall off the regulator? Thanks. 
"airkrazy"I don't think you will get that answer. Every gun can have small variations . Without a chrony or having the reg tested and set at a specific pressure it will all be speculation. You have some luck if you shot at 50 yrds or so and when you see poi drop check your gauge.
Thanks aircrazy. I understand this. Till I get a chrony set up I guess I'll go with others experience on the gun.