Ataman Ataman ap 16 fill probe needed

According to this place they have the threaded one on stock

If you dont find the piece, please send me the dimensions and I can make one for you.
I have a hand full of actual Ataman probes and two aftermarket probes. I did some measuring yesterday.

Despite what nicktrak (the op) thinks, ALL (from BOTH pistols AND a BP17) of the Ataman probes are the same out to .000" points. The aftermarket ones are also the same as each other, but slightly (about .0175") larger than the Ataman probes.

But, nicktrak doesn't believe, there is that !

I can get my mics that go out to .00000" points and measure my Ataman probes. But I'd bet that nicktrak won't believe that either.

I have a hand full of actual Ataman probes and two aftermarket probes. I did some measuring yesterday.

Despite what nicktrak (the op) thinks, ALL (from BOTH pistols AND a BP17) of the Ataman probes are the same out to .000" points. The aftermarket ones are also the same as each other, but slightly (about .0175") larger than the Ataman probes.

But, nicktrak doesn't believe, there is that !

I can get my mics that go out to .00000" points and measure my Ataman probes. But I'd bet that nicktrak won't believe that either.

Sounds like problem solved, to me.
I have a hand full of actual Ataman probes and two aftermarket probes. I did some measuring yesterday.

Despite what nicktrak (the op) thinks, ALL (from BOTH pistols AND a BP17) of the Ataman probes are the same out to .000" points. The aftermarket ones are also the same as each other, but slightly (about .0175") larger than the Ataman probes.

But, nicktrak doesn't believe, there is that !

I can get my mics that go out to .00000" points and measure my Ataman probes. But I'd bet that nicktrak won't believe that either.

Sounds great!!
I have a hand full of actual Ataman probes and two aftermarket probes. I did some measuring yesterday.

Despite what nicktrak (the op) thinks, ALL (from BOTH pistols AND a BP17) of the Ataman probes are the same out to .000" points. The aftermarket ones are also the same as each other, but slightly (about .0175") larger than the Ataman probes.

But, nicktrak doesn't believe, there is that !

I can get my mics that go out to .00000" points and measure my Ataman probes. But I'd bet that nicktrak won't believe that either.

Jesus! A bit sensitive aren’t we . I simple thought there were 2 different probes!