Ataman ataman ap16 fill probe

New English ?

No, not currently that I know of. They are small in dia., where most are much larger.
Although I do believe that the Ataman BP17 (rifle) may well be the same dia. o-ring position and length as the AP16. But being the same (similar), probably just as hard to find one.
Have you checked with Bagnall and Kirkwood ?
No. I just did, nothing there. A good place for other spare parts.


P.s. - I just checked my AP16 and BP17 probes, they are the same.
B&K have them in stock for the BP17 ! You should e-mail them and ask. But please use proper English when speaking to a different country.
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New English ?

No, not currently that I know of. They are small in dia., where most are much larger.
Although I do believe that the Ataman BP17 (rifle) may well be the same dia. o-ring position and length as the. But being the same (similar), probably just as hard to find one.
Have you checked with Bagnall and Kirkwood ?
No. I just did, nothing there. A good place for other spare parts.


P.s. - I just checked my AP16 and BP17 probes, they are the same.
B&K have them in stock for the BP17 ! You should e-mail them and ask. But please use proper English when speaking to a different country.
Thanks for the info just ordered one