Ataman AP16 Review

No arm twisting required! It's the Huma Air, Modular Air Moderator MOD30-2/0 (Mini), with one of the sections removed. You can double the size by adding the other section back to it, if needed. I have not had a chance to test it yet because I ordered it and then had to send the AP16 back to PA due to it not cocking. I'm hoping the weather will hold out today and I can see how well it quiets it.


Thank you sir.

I've tested the Huma Air moderator on an Ataman AP and some airguns . The modular system makes them very flexible . However , the density of the felt inside the tube is too high . Like @Odoyle said in another topic " let the moderator breathe " , so I remove the felt and put some open cell foam , the one used to fill some garden seats. Seems to works better, but it would be interesting to try others materials like sponge , cotton...etc.

This was one of their newer models, and they say the damping material is kevlar. If so, I guess it would be pretty dense. To my ears, it's as quiet or quieter than the 0db Compact I had on it. I also like how compact it is, no long LDC nearly doubling the length of the pistol, yet it's still very much backyard friendly. The model I bought came with 2 more section, so I might experiment a bit with the other 2 sections to see if I find a material that is quieter than the kevlar. Thanks...
Wow...Huma is faster than they guys where I bought the gun, in the US..!

Huma silencer is in hand. Very nicely done. And yea, I like the two piece design. Visually, it fits a handgun perfectly, both diameter and length (with the second piece in the storage cabinet). The guts seem interesting also. Hopefully it cuts the bark enough. Will try it on a rifle here shortly.

Pulled off a few shoots with a Tatsu silencer on my Walther Reign barrel.

Then swapped it for the full length Huma MOD30-2/0, and a couple more shots.

This was done in my normal shooting area of the house. The Tatsu is notably quieter than the full length Huma. The Huma is just a little (maybe 1/8") shorter, but smaller in diameter. The interior construction is sorta similar to the DonnyFL, Tatsu, but done in a very different manor. I had better hope for the Huma because of its visually, slightly better interior construction.

I'm hoping a single section of the Huma quiets the bark of the AP16 enough for comfort. Hmm, if "looks" were only...everything !

I have been told the dampening material used by Huma (Kevlar) is thicker and much denser than the dampening material used in the DonnyFL's. I also believe the Tanto has a lot more usable air volume inside than a similar sized Huma Air moderator. Higher power definitely needs more air volume inside the moderator to deaden the sound, so it doesn't surprise me the Tatsu is quieter than the Huma 30 on your Walther. Having said that, I know from personal experience that one 2½" section of the Huma does a good job toning down the bark of my AP16, but it's also only shooting at between 600 - 700 FPS, and probably using a lot less air than a rifle would. So, I feel pretty confident you'll get both looks and effectiveness out of the Huma on your AP16. If I wanted no sound at all, I'd attach my Neil Clague to it! But then it's not really conceal carry ready!


I use this one on my Benjamin Cayden, and all I hear if the hammer fitting the valve stem and the pellet hitting the target!
FedEx came a day early...

Well, after all of the bad that I've read, plus the above info, guys with scratches of the anodize coating, rough material surfaces, dents, etc., etc., and to boot, the one that I received was the last of that litter, all is well.

Visually, all is in good shape. The black anodize coating is in very good condition, no dents, dings, or scratches that I see. The "test tape" that came with the gun shows an average of about 645 fps.with an 11.9 gr. pellet. in ten shots.

I filled the magazine (still had enough air for a few shots), and shot twice with no muffler. Then twice with the "full sized" Huma, then with the half sized Huma. No muffler IS fairly loud. Too much for here. The full sized Huma is nice and quiet. Almost as quiet as my Sig Sauer, ASP, single shot. The half a Huma is borderline loud. Will probably leave it that way.

The trigger, as delivered, is really nice. A nice smooth, not too long first stage, nice solid wall, and a fairly crisp let-off, and little overtravel. I see no need to do any adjusting.

I put a SeeAll sight on it. It may stay a while, it may not. I like the feel of the gun. While it's obviously front heavy, I put the 11MM adapter back, almost as far as it will go, then put the SeeAll back as far back as it...will go, to try to keep the weight off of the front.

The cocking action is pretty rough. Not gritty, just a lot of hard spots. More so than any of my PCP rifles. Understand that it's got a short (!) cocking lever which will emphasize the hard spots.

$1000...a bit much for just the gun, but now that the money is spent, yeah, glad I got it. I just hope that it continues to be a trouble free gun. I haven't shot it for any accuracy yet. I got it, played a little and went out for lunch.

Just read through some of the posts here. AND...I double checked the serial number on mine - 2419, both on the gun and on the box.

2400 doesn't sound like many sold for as long as they've been available That is, if they are sold in number sequence. Maybe the cost has kept the sales down ?

Tomorrow I'll check the barrel for being clean, and do some shooting.

FLgunner - Thanks for all your info.

Have never done THAT before..!

Sighting in the SeeAll sight this evening, I wasn't thinking of the guns low shot count...and ran it "completely" out of air..! Not a problem, just cocked it, plugged in my hand pump and started pumping.

Interesting thing in the AP16 instructions. They say to hand pump to twenty pumps, stop and let the pump cool, twenty more, and so on. A long time ago, I noticed the pump getting warm at the bottom. I know that heat equals moisture, so, not wanting to pump water into my guns, that's where I decided to stop back before I read anything on the subject. I decided to use the twenty pump cycle way back before I bought a tank. So...I'm not so dumb after all..!

And, a little light weight silicone oil here and there, lightened up the hard spots in the cocking action of the gun. Much better now.

Just read through some of the posts here. AND...I double checked the serial number on mine - 2419, both on the gun and on the box.

2400 doesn't sound like many sold for as long as they've been available That is, if they are sold in number sequence. Maybe the cost has kept the sales down ?

Tomorrow I'll check the barrel for being clean, and do some shooting.

FLgunner - Thanks for all your info.


You are very welcome! The serial number on the one I returned was 502477, the one I have now is 502435, so if they are in order, then they have sold over 50K of them.