Athlon 15-60x56, Heras vs Ares

I plan on shooting in the 2024 WFTF match in Phoenix. I have only used up to 24x scopes in FT up to this point, so decided I better get a higher mag scope with better focus range finding. I had the opportunity to look through both the Heras and Ares 15-60x56 at different times and was impressed except for the too thin reticle. They both snap well with a small gap between 50yds and 55yds. The reticles are hard to see in dark areas. The Ares has a lit center dot, so that helps some. Since I plan on clicking the scope, that might be good enough. I ordered the Ares and today was able to compare side by side with my friend’s Heras at the range.

They are both usable at even 60x with good image quality. Supposedly, the Ares has UHD glass, but both my friend and I judged the Heras just ever so slightly better at reading small text at 55yds. Unless one needs the lit center dot, we both judged the two scopes to be functionally identical. Dimensions are identical. Evens the turrets caps are interchangeable.

Athlon is the only brand of scope that I buy these days. And both are excellent scopes. Seems like an unjustified cost premium for just the benefit of a lit reticle for the Ares. The Heras is definitely more for the money. If they both had a thicker reticle, it would be have been an easier decision and I would get the Heras, but I sprung for the Ares with the lit reticle in this instance.
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Yep the aplr 2 i think it is that works fine for me
Congrats on your new scope.

As you use the ETR more I'm guessing you'll appreciate that illuminated dot because I sure did for FT. I doubt one would need the illume at all for benchrest so viewing this thread could save people money if that's what they'll be doing primarily.

That's GTK the IQ is comparable to the Heras. I wouldn't have guessed that.