Brocock/BRK Atomic XR alternatives?

Once you’ve acquired that first BRK? Beware, they will typically perform beyond your expectations and hence the “hook” is set. You might also consider the Pathfinder XR in .177 it is but a smaller Commander in form factor. Eyeball them yourself and see… Good luck!
Actually I’m really liking the setup of the Commander. A little bit longer barrel is good, while the folding stock makes it compact enough for me. The bottle doesn’t add any weight but the shot count is fantastic. Can’t wait to get one now! But I am waiting to purchase so I could certainly change my mind again. In the meantime I’ll enjoy the Notos and probably add a little folding stock to my GK1, but in .25 it’s not really appropriate for my backyard so it’s not as much fun for me as a .177 will be.
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