Air Venturi Ava 25 slugs


So my wife suprised me with order the avenger in .25 for Christmas. I plan on making it a full time slug/ small to medium game gun. Have these on the way and will keep y’all posted. In the meantime has anyone had luck slug shooting the avenger in 25? I’d love to hear about it!
I've shot 25gr H&N and the 26gr FX Hybrids with good success. The barrel isn't choked so that helps a lot.
I stuck with 25-6gr slugs because it lets me use the same tune I shoot my 25gr pellets with.
I really need to slug my barrel so I can actually buy the correct size slug. Once I know that I might try some heavier slugs for longer range shooting. Right now I can pretty reliably hit a spinner @ 87yds(farthest I can shoot at the moment) with a 36yd zero. To really try I need to re-tune and re-zero which I won't do until hunting season is over.
Have fun!