Air Venturi Avenge X .22 Tuning help needed

Curious how a different magazine could effect the accuracy?
The plastic wheel in low quality magazines usually has a sharp edge that catches on the pellet skirt as you chamber the pellet and shears or bends the skirt. If you look closely you'll see a pellet riding high sometimes in your magazine when holding it horizontally. AE Swede makes the best magazines on the market. CNC machined from delrin in the USA. His website says out of stock on most items but he'll run another batch soon. He works a full time job and makes parts as a side job. You can contact him to inquire about his next production run.
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Are you shooting slugs in your .22X? If so what does the gun like? What are your groupings and at what distance?
I don't own an X but I do have 3 original avengers in .22 caliber. One has an aftermarket barrel and the other two will get different barrels as soon as I get around to machining them. I never got a slug to shoot well from the original barrels but here's the first group I fired from my avenger with a Troy Hammer designed TJ's barrel.
51 yards shooting .2165 NSA17.5 @950fps. That's a 1inch target dot.
Using a Swede high capacity mag. Shooting off an Atlas bipod and rear bag as I'm eaten alive by mosquitoes.
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I don't own an X but I do have 3 original avengers in .22 caliber. One has an aftermarket barrel and the other two will get different barrels as soon as I get around to machining them. I never got a slug to shoot well from the original barrels but here's the first group I fired from my avenger with a Troy Hammer designed TJ's barrel.
51 yards shooting .2165 NSA17.5 @950fps. That's a 1inch target dot.
Using a Swede high capacity mag. Shooting off an Atlas bipod and rear bag as I'm eaten alive by mosquitoes.
Really like that pack of sticker targets you have there, are they the SHOOT N SEE type? Where did you pick those up? How about your sand bag? I picked up some cheapo sandbags off amazon and constantly leaking tiny amounts of sand everywhere....garbage.
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Yes, Splatterburst.
Pack of 640 - 1 inch dots $9.99
Pack of 400 - 2 inch+225 - inch $14.99
Pack of 225 - 3 inch+200 - 1 inch $16.99
These are also another good option, I bought them from ebay

How about your sand bag? I picked up some cheapo sandbags off amazon and constantly leaking tiny amounts of sand everywhere....garbage.
This site went down yesterday while I was making my post and didn't save the bag info so here it is. I filled mine with about 3 pounds of rice. No leaks now in more than 5 years. This rest works well also and is small enough to use at the back on many guns
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RICE!!! What an outstanding idea, never even crossed my mind, just assumed all were using sand. Probably be a heck of a lot lighter also THANKS FOR THAT TIP! Ordered the targets earlier...the 1" is what I'm really only needed as the other is just a waste at only 50yrds. Your link to the rest didn't work but there is the one I ordered and use...really like.,aps,129&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

Not sure if you noticed my other post in the general discussion area...had an internal baffle strike on the weapon and its leaving today headed back to pyramid for warranty. Seriously considering taking this time to move into the FX line, either a maverick or wildcat. Do you shoot any FX?

I see you are from HERE USA, lol, any chance that is near here in East Tn?
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RICE!!! What an outstanding idea, never even crossed my mind, just assumed all were using sand. Probably be a heck of a lot lighter also THANKS FOR THAT TIP! Ordered the targets earlier...the 1" is what I'm really only needed as the other is just a waste at only 50yrds. Your link to the rest didn't work but there is the one I ordered and use...really like.

Not sure if you noticed my other post in the general discussion area...had an internal baffle strike on the weapon and its leaving today headed back to pyramid for warranty. Seriously considering taking this time to move into the FX line, either a maverick or wildcat. Do you shoot any FX?

I see you are from HERE USA, lol, any chance that is near here in East Tn?
I'm in northwest South Carolina maybe 250 miles from you. I'm not a fan of the FX liner system. I used to have an Impact and did a lot of work modifying it. Fx even used my larger plenum design which they named "power plenum" but didn't even say thank you. I talked to 3 top people in the company with each telling me a different story about where it came from so you know how that goes. I never asked for money and offered to waive all rights. All I asked for was was to hear thanks for the contribution. Never got it and the forum owner here said I couldn't talk about it anymore since I deleted the CAD drawing I posted here and he wasn't going to search for it on his server. Doesn't bother me much now. I sold my Impact and bought different toys. I like modifying them as much as shooting them. Made a new moderator for my son's AEA Challenger a couple days ago. We tried it out today and heard nothing but the mechanical noise of the gun. I'll anodize it black soon when I have more parts to do. I'll fix those links. Edit: All working now for me.
Mikes Airgun -.jpg
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Very sharp weapon. Completely understand on the other....that would definitely leave a sore spot with me also.
I should've made it clear that thing had nothing to do with me selling the Impact, I just wanted something different to play with and felt the Vulcan 3 had more power potential. Turns out the valve design limits the Vulcan 3 but I still like it.
Just made a new plenum to test on the original Avengers but I can't test until the rain moves out in a couple of days.
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I should've made it clear that thing had nothing to do with me selling the Impact, I just wanted something different to play with and felt the Vulcan 3 had more power potential. Turns out the valve design limits the Vulcan 3 but I still like it.
Just made a new plenum to test on the original Avengers but I can't test until the rain moves out in a couple of days.
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Any chance you have future plans of designing a higher capacity plenum for the Avenge-x?