Yeah, saw the Foster up front on the bottle, I'm used to it being back under the stock.
I will probably end up with a .22 Avenge-X with tube, tactical stock and a .177 barrel kit. Plan on using it for plinking and pesting.
They're claiming 80 shots per fill (.22 at 30fpe) from the tube but that's at 300 bar. Not a problem when the HPA tank is full but I'll draw it down to 200 before topping it off again. Guess that I could fill directly from the compressor if I'm going for a walkabout where I do a lot of plinking away from my air source.
Replacement regulator? Something wrong with the factory ones?
Moderators, including any built-in baffles are illegal here in Canada so that's not something I need be concerned with. Noise is not a problem, I live in a rural area and can target shoot with my 30-06 if I feel like it.
Understand your limitations in Canada. Don't like them, but I don't live there.
For me, aesthetics don't matter. Ergonomics do and QUIET does. Shot count also isn't important to me. Until my recent failing health, I have always hand pumped my PCPs. Since then, I bought a GX-CS4 compressor and with a grand total of about 3 minutes on the actually compressor and about 10 minutes on the cooling system, I am happy. (chuckle) Unfortunately, I have not been able to shoot much since I got the CS4... obviously! (smile)
The reason I brought up the regulator replacement is that ALL regulators fail and from what I have experienced personally and read on AGN and other forums, that failure happens generally at about 2-3 years. So, you either are good at rebuilding a regulator or you buy a replacement.
I am notorious for breaking things when I try to work on PCPs, especially the regulator... So, knowing that a reasonably priced replacement is available is a big plus for me.
However, the QUIET side of the Avenge-X hasn't been proven to me as I have never shot one or even been in near proximity of one being shot. So, my reference to the Marauder spring loaded baffle system. rates the Avenge-X as a 3-Medium which is louder than a Marauder or Akela at a 2-low-medium.
There are many airguns PA rates as 3-medium which I have heard shot and shot myself and although that range of noise is wide, when PA rates a gun as a 3, it is usually louder than what I want OOTB.
I refuse to add a moderator (unless I can make it myself) that costs nearly half as much as the gun and that doesn't even include the adapters that are sometimes needed. Not to mention they extend the length of the gun and by the weight alone can through off accuracy on some guns.
Anyway, I understand where you are coming from and I hope you understand where I am coming from. (smile)
Thanks for the reply!
All my best!