What could be the reason wye the Avenge-x POI shifts from left to right with a decrease in bottel pressure and wye it has shifted avter an refill
Bottle will slightly vary in size, depending on fill, extra barrel bands or bottle band-mounted bipods could have an effect. A chronograph will help diagnose if any internal conditions are involved. WMHaven't noticed this with mine. I have the .22 cal wood stock version.
Have you made sure everything is tight? All screws, shroud, etc are all good and snug?
More info of how you have the gun setup may also be helpful (any adjustments you've made, do you have a moderator installed, does it happen with different ammo, etc.)
I know this is a very late response, but I have had that issue with mine as well. I have the Avenge X Tac with bottle. I have never tuned it. No need its perfect for me out of the box. (maybe one day I will tinker with it) I will share with you my own experience and thoughts on that. Believe me I hate POI shifts too! Mine seemed to occur horizontally only. I can see why (possibly) if also vertically. I am sure a lot more shooters experience the same but choose not to diminish their own rifle. Given my past background with real firearms (military grade at long range) some of those variables apply to PCP rifles as well. Assuming all hardware is tight and torqued to tolerances, for one sudden change in temp on rifle(i.e bringing it out on a hot muggy morning to shoot from a cooled storage area inside your home may cause shift. Metal contracts, expands and bends not to the naked eye but just enough to cause a tiny shift so the further you shoot out the more noticeable it is. Ever notice your Zero is not the same the next day? You go from dead center to maybe a mil off or so. Scope? Not sure about that one other than fog mist on lenses before shooting once it's brought out into the heat of the day. ( I now usually let rifle acclimate to the ambient temp outside before shooting. (30 min on the bench) I have zeroed my rifle at both 25 and 30 yards with a preference for 30 and within hours just sitting there a shift occurs as temp rises from 65 degrees to as high as 100. I would shoot several mags of ammo (100 -150 rds) in the morning after fresh zero leave outside a few hrs (weather permitting) come back and have small shift using the same ammo later in the afternoon! First thing I think of: Is my scope mount/rings loose? Nope. Torqued to specs. I can never come to any conclusion why this occurs. Ammo temp just like the rifle may be affected by surface and ambient temp. A person with a trained ballistic knowledge can better explain. This is obviously my own thoughts on why POI shift. It could be case by case, could be loose scope mounts, rings etc. I would love to hear others points of view on this. (good discussion) Guarantee you we ARE NOT ALONE! Those FX's and RAW's Daystate's suffer the same thing at some point. Its metal and its manmade. I have noticed over time that the longer the rifle and ammo stays in the same ambient temp during the day the less likelihood of any POI shifts.What could be the reason wye the Avenge-x POI shifts from left to right with a decrease in bottel pressure and wye it has shifted avter an refill
I know I have had my avenge x for 6 months trying to solve the problem. The problem comes from a very flexible barrel and shroud. I bought a barrel band to keep the shroud from shifting, a harmonics kit the keeps the barrel stabilized inside the shroud, and last a backflow suppressor from terminadorindustries.comWhat could be the reason wye the Avenge-x POI shifts from left to right with a decrease in bottel pressure and wye it has shifted avter an refill