I can’t remember off hand just what they were. I know that for the sear engagement screw you can use a socket head cap screw. The sear engagement had to be a set screw. At least in the Saber tactical chassis the sear screw had to be headless. I think if you get to the avenge X schematic on the PA site, they call out those screws. I believe I got 15mm long screws.
No filing! I use a Dremel and a felt wheel with a couple of different abrasives. I use rouge for the final polish. Easy to get a mirror finish. My first pass was to change the trigger spring and just polish whatever I could get to with out completely tearing the trigger down. That got me a 12 ounce pull weight. I then decided to man up and just take the whole thing apart. Actually very easy to do and allows you to get at every contact surface on the trigger. Getting a mirror finish on everything has me under 8 ounces. My Wheeler spring gauge doesn’t register lower than 8 ounces and as soon as I pull on the gauge - bang! Off she goes and the gauge hasn’t moved off of the 8 ounce line. Also no real creep to speak of. I have a custom 22 rimfire bench gun with a B&A trigger set at 0.75 ounces so I’m really spoiled on triggers. Although not as spoiled as you with your 1/4 gram trigger. Man, a hard wind would set that baby off. But after this work the AX trigger is very good!
I also tried messing with the reset spring but that was a bust. I’m sure you could shave a little more off of the pull weight but the line between happy and sad is razor thin and is not worth the effort IMHO. I got the trigger spring out of a spring assortment package that I bought at Lowe’s a number of years back. You’ll find it in the hardware section. A whole bunch of all types and sizes of small springs In a little plastic bin.
Good Luck!