Air Venturi Avenge X Tuning guide

The good thing about the FX Pocket is the IPhone app that lets you look at the shot string graphs, etc.
Try backing the hammer spring out all the way and go 1/4 turn in at a time to find where the fps levels out. You should then be close. Have you watched Steve at AEAC's tuning videos? I have watched about five times and it is finally starting to make sense maybe? There is also a good video with Steve and PJ that explains a few things.

The process makes complete sense to me. Had some decent weather yesterday so started at 150 bar and started turning the HS in. From 2 to 3.5 in I was flattened at around 870 fps. Turned the reg up to 162 bar - just a guess but I was between 150 and 175 as indicated on the gauge. Up to three turns in I was still seeing the same rough 870 fps. Went to 4 turns and the chrony started throwing errors on every shot. I didn't have the screens on the chrony and the lighting outside had changed so that may explain that. Next time out will be at the 162 bar and 4 turns in to see where that lands me.

Good to know you can port the data out of the FX. I was wondering about that.


Something else I just noticed. You’re shooting the heavy JSB’s at a lower reg pressure with a fairly light HS adjustment and your velocity is just about the same as mine with the lighter pellets and a higher reg pressureSeems like I should be seeing a lot higher velocity the way I’m set up. But I did see another video with a guy using 5he bigger plenum and he had a definite bump in velocity for the same reg/HS settings so I’m not really comparing the same two guns.

The only real comparison I have is that the "850" tune from Steve I had 175bar regulator and about 5-1/2 hammer spring. With the extra plenum and heavier spring I have regulator at 155bar and so far the hammer spring at about 3-1/4. It's giving me 860 or so fps. I'm not sure I have it dialed in yet. This is with the .25 JSB 33.95 MK2 pellets. I have not done any accuracy testing outside yet, just measuring fps inside the garage. I don't think I really need the heavier hammer spring until I get into heavy slugs maybe? I'm thinking I may go back to the stock spring so I'm just looking at one change at a time.

Here is my last effort. I think I'm getting closer on the tune. I'm running the JSB 25.4 grain pellets. I think I'm at the point where i need either a little more reg pressure; a little more HS; or a little more (or less) of both. I have not tested this for accuracy yet. Everything I've seen shows that the 25.4's like to be around 905 to 910. I want to get there. If I knock off the last shots off the reg, I'm seeing fairly wide ES and the SD is 7.8 - still high I think. This graph uses a few shots from the previous fill. I got 52 good shots out of this tune.


Shot string.JPG