Avenger .25 Slug results & help

I have had my .25 Avenger since christmas, I left it stock no adjustments reg was at 2900 and HS was 3.5 turns out and it shoots 25.4gr FX pellets amazing @ 915 fps. 0.5" groups at 35 yards consistently. I tried JSB Heavies they shot great, shot some H&N Barracuda they shot great, gun doesn't seem to be picky at all with pellets.

I ordered some NSA samples 26.8, 29.5 & 33.5. This past weekend I had some starlings at 55 yards and threw in some of the 26.8gr slugs just to try and hit every one. So I figured they must be shooting well.

Last night I degassed the gun, backed out the reg, filled and set the reg to 2400psi. Went to the range today and started tuning.

regulator @ 2400psi HS 3.5 turns out they were a about 780fps, I turned the HS in to 1.5 turns out and they were at 840fps but my groups were 1.5-1.7"

bumped reg to 2600 HS 1.5 turns out 880 fps still about the same groups 1.5"

At this time the shop tech needed the chronograph so I didn't get any more speeds

29.5 gr slugs shot about the same 1.5" group

33.5 gr slugs shot about 1.0"-1.2" groups

25.4gr FX pellets 0.5"-0.7" groups

Are my expectations of the slug groups too high? Seems like other people are getting better groups but they have the Reg & HS maxed out. I was hoping to not max everything out to shoot them well.
This is my first PCP so I haven’t personally tuned a gun.

I have read a lot about tuning. But I see people seem to have different methods. And most seem to be tuning for efficiency or maximum shot count. This typically ends up with a lower FPS than is recommended for slugs.

So I tried to find the lowest reg pressure to come close to the recommended minimum of 850fps for 25 slugs with the HS 1.5 turns out.

This out the reg at a minimum of 2600psi

Do you have a better tuning method you would recommend specifically for slugs 
I don’t own an Avenger but I would take everything you see on a video or hear on a forum concerning slugs with a grain of salt. Nobody makes videos or posts pictures of how bad their groups are or the 13 crappy groups surrounding the one good one. I don’t blame you for going with something conservative. After conversing with other Avenger owners, their maxed out guns probably won’t see the end of summer without a failure. Seeing as how you are a gun guy venturing into airguns, I’m going to tell you that airguns and slugs are absolutely nothing like you finding the pet load for your 300rum. A sample pack is a shot in the dark at what might work. You take the slug out of the sample pack that showed the best potential and buy 300 of them. Then you set your reg at whatever and keep turning your HS in until you find the max speed your gun will shoot that slug. Back the speed down 30fps and start shooting groups. Slowly turn your HS in maybe 1/8 turn at a time and keep shooting groups until you are -10fps from your max speed. If none of this produces the accuracy you’re looking for, turn your reg up 5 bar and do it all again. If you get to 150b on the reg and still don’t have the accuracy you’re looking for. Buy different slugs and do it all again. If this doesn’t sound like fun, shoot pellets. Your gun already likes them. After all it’s a pellet gun.