My BP is in .25. I didn't notice much difference with two plenums vs just one. I did notice the refresh pressure is slower with two plenums especially when they are separated. The digital gauges are awesome at showing the precise real time changes in pressure. I use 34 gr pellets for my baseline and I can push them up to 1000 fps. So that puts the fpe around 70 or so. 80 fpe is about the highest I have gotten it, but didn't push it too much past that to keep it backyard friendly. I did some other internal mods like opening up the valve opening to 6mm and replaced the valve stem with one from AEA. Stem was thinner and poppet was made of PEEK. I had to trim the stem to make it match the length of the original and change the oring in the seat with one that had a smaller opening to fit the new stem. After that mod I was getting plenty of air. Probably too much since the noise level went way up with little change in velocity. I reverted back to the stock spring and am getting 950fps with very little noise. With 35gr Zan slugs, averaging 900fps and 1/4 inch groups at 30 yds. Finding the right balance with reg pressure, Hammer spring strength/preload is tricky but doable. I think I am pretty close to maxing out the mechanical capabilities on the avenger. BL getting to 70fpe fairly easy, especially with bolt on or DIY mods. Getting up to 90-100fpe much harder and requires more advanced tools and skills.