So I checked Fedex tracking around 4:00, it changed from delivery at end of day Monday to Delivery Pending, "AGAIN". Are you freakin kidding me? Anyway about an hour later I hear a truck out front, I look and see a Fedex truck out front, I get my hopes up but he is parked in front of the neighbors house. Sure enough I watch him deliver 2 packages to my neighbor. As I am peeping through the blinds watching this, I see a long thin box in the front of the truck, I say to myself "that's got to be my gun", The driver gets in the truck closes the door and drives down the street, which is a dead end. He makes his deliveries and drives back out and I hear him stop again, I get up and look and sure enough he is stopped in front of my house and delivers my order!! Yeah!!!! My Avenger arrived basically empty of air. I opened the bleed screw to set the reg. and not much air came out. Hopefully it didn't leak out and was drained, "for reasons unknown" prior to shipping. I pumped it up to 3000PSI and set the reg at 2000, so far "15 hours" it looks good. I cleaned the barrel and could not believe how dirty it was!! I will try to get it sighted in later today.