Avenger overfill / burst disc failure

So far, I have never had a burst disk blow, so this is all new to me. Bound to happen eventually.

I should have worded my question differently. I used 7500 as an example because burst disks on some PCP equipment go that high. Ignoring specific psi numbers for a moment, since burst disks are made to fail at a higher pressure than the "working" pressure of the system, but at a manufacturers specified level that we assume is below a pressure level that would cause damage to the equipment or an explosion, how do you test a DIY burst disk that has a specification for the gun / tank / compressor, that exceeds the max pressure you can achieve with your tank or compressor?

Example for a burst disk on an airgun.

310 Bar / 4500 PSI max working pressure compressor
6500 psi burst disk for the airgun as specified by the factory

You will need to reach at least 6500 PSI to test the DIY or unknown strength burst disk. How would someone do that if their compressor only goes to 4500 PSI?

Both of my compressors came with a handful of burst disk replacements. They are the metal disk type that you put underneath the burst disk fitting like in this video. No markings. One set is brass, the other is aluminum.

I am guessing that the burst disks on airguns may or may not use that type of burst disk. I am seeing several styles on Amazon etc. It looks to me like having several spares on hand that fit every gun / tank / compressor I own would be a good idea. The thought of having wait for replacements is very troubling! :LOL:

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That's what I ended up doing, hoping 5K is enough. Pyramid's customer service told me they do not sell parts for the Avenger, and that I would have to send it in for the repair.

I'm very new to this, but is it common practice in this industry for a company to not support their product with parts?
How did this work out for you? Have you any helpful information?

Thank you in advance.
First time PCP owner here. Managed to overfill and now I have a gun that won't hold air. I'm assuming it's a simple fix with a burst disc replacement, but I don't know where to look.

Called Air Venturi. I was told it's a 6k PSI disc(or maybe it was 5k - I don't remember), but not how to get a replacement, or where it is located within the gun. Apparently there is only had one person doing tech support, and she couldn't give me any information beyond that, until they get back to me later this week.

That's helpful, but I had planned to take this thing to the range before then. I'd like to find a solution to this seemingly simple problem, but have not found anything about this issue so far. If this has already been addressed elsewhere, could someone please point me in the right direction?

Any help would be much appreciated!
The 6K burst disk is available at WALMART, but Call AV Tech support ad ask for Stacey as she can either send you one or tell you specs so you can get it at Walmart. The 6K Burst Disk (remove the stock 1st) is located just forward of the regulator. It's a brass fitting that says 6K on the top and I think you use a three eights inch or something like that socket wrench to remove it.
The 6K burst disk is available at WALMART, but Call AV Tech support ad ask for Stacey as she can either send you one or tell you specs so you can get it at Walmart. The 6K Burst Disk (remove the stock 1st) is located just forward of the regulator. It's a brass fitting that says 6K on the top and I think you use a three eights inch or something like that socket wrench to remove it.
Walmart.com search
(HPA 6k burst disc) I bought 3 for $12