Average age of shooters

@Caliber 22 Fun thread, thanks for starting it!

I assume you are keeping score, right? So what is the running average age to date? Appears to be heavily weighted towards the geezerhead end of the spectrum, with only a few children under 40 chiming in.

I'm loving the responses and stories. But a common thread is starting at a young age with PB's, airguns, "anything that had a projectile" and scarely any mention of packing up the car to head to a range somewhere to shoot. I didn't have to do that and sounds like many or most posters didn't either.

Maybe I missed some comments, but the other thing that jumps out is hardly anyone said they got into airguns as an adult but didn't have at least a youthful background in PB's.

@Caliber 22 Fun thread, thanks for starting it!

I assume you are keeping score, right? So what is the running average age to date? Appears to be heavily weighted towards the geezerhead end of the spectrum, with only a few children under 40 chiming in.

I'm loving the responses and stories. But a common thread is starting at a young age with PB's, airguns, "anything that had a projectile" and scarely any mention of packing up the car to head to a range somewhere to shoot. I didn't have to do that and sounds like many or most posters didn't either.

Maybe I missed some comments, but the other thing that jumps out is hardly anyone said they got into airguns as an adult but didn't have at least a youthful background in PB's.

Fields and bush near where I grew up provided the opportunity and catalyst for me to get into airguns as a kid. The family cottage was an other location in those early years.

Having a family curtailed the shooting barely leaving time to get out for a bit of hunting. Fortunately, there was a lake near by and the kids loved fishing. You do what you have to do.

Retiring to 10 acres of rural property has again provided the opportunity to get back into shooting. Got a 128 yard range in the backyard, use it a lot!

Guess that the people who shoot the most are those who have a convenient place to do so.

I don't think its an ego thing so much as they just haven't fully realized how time consuming and expensive it is to shoot powder burners and how little they actually get shot. I love powder burners too, but at some point it just dawned on me that I've got all the guns I really need and then some and I may as well spend the majority of my gun money on the guns that I shoot the most.

I also think that there's just some sort of fascination that some of us have with air power. Even if I lived bordering the national forest or out in the desert somewhere and could shoot 50 bmgs off my back porch I'd still be into airguns because there's just something about them that peaks my interest more powder burners do.
This. All my relatives are big into big game hunting and crazy $3-5k rigs some even more than that put maybe 20-50 bullets through a year. They think im crazy I have a couple $1-2k pellet gun setups but then I remind them just how much I shoot them compared to them and then eyes are opened alittle more lol
just how much I shoot
Indeed, i shoot at the very least 800 shots every time i am at the range, and if the weather allow for that it that is 2 times a week.
Now i do not know, but i assume pretty much no matter what cartridge you look at, that would be pretty expensive to match in the traditional powder burning format.
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I'll be 59 on August 30th. I started out with BB guns when I was little, shot air rifles, .22 cartridge rifles and shotguns for most of my life. I had spring piston airguns for many years then lost interest in the airguns for about ten years then got back into them around 2009. I don't know anyone else around who shoots airguns. There's lots of deer hunters who shoot only centerfires and the black rifle and handgun guys but zero airgunners that I know of.
I thought I was late to the party getting back into airguns in my early 30s. I guess I was wrong. Now I'm 37. It just got to be too much work to load the kid and everything else up in the car and go to the local range to shoot. With air rifles, we can still shoot together without leaving the yard. It takes a lot less time and planning and is just generally more enjoyable for both of us.
68 here, Shooting BB guns and pellets since I was 5 years old , Motorcycles since I was 10 years old , Did a 3month tour of the USA and Canada on a XS 1100 yamaha back in 1985, Did a south American Mexico tour 3 months in 2000 on a KLR 650, Did a 45 day CDR ride from Canada to Mexico in 2005 on a KLR 650
Got a 2008 Hayabusa that is a true 200 MPH bike lots of work, A 1000 V-Strom, a ST honda 1300, Two KLR 650s , and a 1985 VT 700 honda shadow I been working on for years,,, Gym rat all my adult life, Powerlifter up to the age of 60, Cancer, copd, and asthma, slowed my ass way down and my air gun hobby has always been my backup all my life. Hard day at the office in my 20's, 30's come home pop a beer and shoot my air gun in the back yard, Even had a indoor range when I was single, I could go on and on, but enough for now