N/A Average Distance of your shooting sessions?

Most of my “just need to shoot a little” shooting is between 75 and 140 yards. That’s the distance where there is more critter activity. And this time of year I have little apples set up. The apple trees on my property drop these perfect ping pong to golf ball size apples. So a couple times a week I set them up in various places out to 140 yards. Then I explode them at my leisure.
I do the same with the black walnuts that litter my property. The crack of a solid hit is sweet to my ears…
Y’all nailed it. I’m pretty much shooting within archery range, just as I hunt. Can I shoot farther? Sure, but I don’t really have a reason to aside from testing ammo and doing it for fun to know that I can. Now certain rifles are fun to stretch out to 100+ yards on occasion. And there may come a day when I take shots at a problematic animal at a distance, so there’s that.

Why others want cheap guns that shoot like rimfire rifles? Who knows? As long as they’re being constructive and positively promoting airgun shooting sports, hey have at it.
I wish I were accurate enough with my many recurve or longbows to shoot past 20 yards.
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50 yards and less at home. I will shoot pests at those ranges but for the past 3 years or so, about every other Monday I drive 90 minutes to shoot at a range that goes out to 880 yards. Only 2 guns I take to go beyond 200 yards. I hang around mostly 100 to 300 yards, if the wind is mild to none and the gun is shooting very good I will stretch it out as far as 500 For me it is a challenge and I do a fair amount of prep, but not always. I'm constantly learning. Inflation has slow me down a bit so it is not always easy to go as often as I've been going.

I'm only out there to better my shooting but I do get a small ego boost when the powder burners gawk at what I do especially when it is better than they can shoot themselves with their guns.

This was one of the good days, when the planets were lined up, the gun was shooting awesome, I happen to have the camera recording while I was shooting, it wasn't too fuzzy, I wasn't too lazy to upload, and post. 220 yards. Sorry I did speed up the speed of everything so you did not have the endure the long wait for each shot.

I've shot pretty decent and sometimes as good as this at longer distances but rarely do I also have the camera recording it as well. 🙄

And yes I have my cars as hobbies but when your hobby becomes work it's not so much fun. This is my way to get away.

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I regularly shoot to about 80yds but alot are closer around 40-50yds. Just pellets. I've chased slugs, not very hard at all, but everytime I shoot them I worry about the downrange performance being too good on the dairy. So I've decided to just stick to pellets for good. I've also decided to go the other way in power. I'm gonna keep my .22 Vet Long at 34fpe, drop my .22 Vet Short from 30fpe to around 20fpe, then my Evol Mini from 30fpe to probably 12-14fpe. Alot of my shooting I'm realizing is closer than further. So I'm going to adjust to where I can grab a gun for whatever task I need instead of all kind of doing the same thing.
Me too about slugs. Too much power for the dairy. I do like to watch pigeons shot with slugs come apart.
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50 yards and less at home. I will shoot pests at those ranges but for the past 3 years or so, about every other Monday I drive 90 minutes to shoot at a range that goes out to 880 yards. Only 2 guns I take to go beyond 200 yards. I hang around mostly 100 to 300 yards, if the wind is mild to none and the gun is shooting very good I will stretch it out as far as 500 For me it is a challenge and I do a fair amount of prep, but not always. I'm constantly learning. Inflation has slow me down a bit so it is not always easy to go as often as I've been going.

I'm only out there to better my shooting but I do get a small ego boost when the powder burners gawk at what I do especially when it is better than they can shoot themselves with their guns.

This was one of the good days, when the planets were lined up, the gun was shooting awesome, I happen to have the camera recording while I was shooting, it wasn't too fuzzy, I wasn't too lazy to upload, and post. 220 yards.

I've shot pretty decent and sometimes as good as this at longer distances but rarely do I also have the camera recording it as well. 🙄

And yes I have my cars as hobbies but when your hobby becomes work it's not so much fun. This is my way to get away.

amazing accuracy
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Shooting certainly doesn't have to mean hunting, or even paper targets. I just equate shooting sessions with just having fun. I shoot at mostly reactive targets and if I limited myself to "ethical" hunting ranges I would not be having fun at all. If you don't have the space to shoot far, that's one thing, but why not just have some fun every now and then and stretch things out? The experience you get helps with the closer shots too. It's not a waste of time or ammo, it's research. If you don't limit yourself to everybody else's abilities, or even sensibilities, then you just might find out that you can go further than you thought, or just plain old have more fun.
I was regularly shooting out to 50 yards until we got new neighbors. They're good with my shooting but of respect and safety, I've reduced that to a max of about 35 yards this year. I've actually found ways to make the reduced distance a challenge while honing some very practical offhand skills. When I hunt, I am usually taking shots between 15 and 30 yards anyway
I have a 30 yard range in my backyard hidden between the side of the house and the neighbor's fence, so I use it for sighting in and HFT practice to that range (the 30-55 suffers!). At the range I regularaly shoot 25, 50, 100 and 200 just to keep my "skills" tuned. For pesting, most everything is sub 100 yards although I will take pigeons, starlings and other small game out to 150. Longest kill this summer was 143 yards DRT. Most impressive (and mostly luck) was an 84 yard kill with a GK1 freehand!
I have a 30 yard range in my backyard hidden between the side of the house and the neighbor's fence, so I use it for sighting in and HFT practice to that range (the 30-55 suffers!). At the range I regularaly shoot 25, 50, 100 and 200 just to keep my "skills" tuned. For pesting, most everything is sub 100 yards although I will take pigeons, starlings and other small game out to 150. Longest kill this summer was 143 yards DRT. Most impressive (and mostly luck) was an 84 yard kill with a GK1 freehand!
but dd u do it?