N/A Average Distance of your shooting sessions?

For years I was shooting my .25 Impact MK2 100 meter rings in my gun club from a bench. Tried all pellets and slugs and the results not much to my liking @ 100. The 50 meters rings were putting a smile back to my face but that distance feels a bit boring :)
This year swapped the FX liners to .22 and changed the distances from 100 to 50-77 meters, into same rings, much happier with performance.
During the summer season my .22 Leshy2 was mostly employed around my walnut threes, 5-10 meters.
50 yards and less at home.

I'm only out there to better my shooting but I do get a small ego boost when the powder burners gawk at what I do especially when it is better than they can shoot themselves with their guns.

Shooting certainly doesn't have to mean hunting, or even paper targets. I just equate shooting sessions with just having fun. I shoot at mostly reactive targets and if I limited myself to "ethical" hunting ranges I would not be having fun at all. If you don't have the space to shoot far, that's one thing, but why not just have some fun every now and then and stretch things out? The experience you get helps with the closer shots too. It's not a waste of time or ammo, it's research. If you don't limit yourself to everybody else's abilities, or even sensibilities,then you just might find out that you can go further than you thought, or just plain old have more fun.
I would be in these two guys camp. Shooting for fun and pushing the limits.
Average distance would be 300 - 500 yards is what blows my skirt up. I do get the short range pellets use though.
The term air gun is misleading to me. The manufactures have done a great job making "pellet guns".
Problem is a "Pellet gun" even if shooting light slugs, isn't equal to an "air gun" designed for high power and heavy slugs with a high BC capable of long range (300-600 yard) shooting. I have accurate "pellet guns" that can't shoot long range too. Seldom that I ever shoot them though.
So long range shooting isn't really even possible for most of our pellet guns.
Makes it easy to see why most average use is at close range, just like the guns were meant for shooting pellets. Just my .02 worth....
I have logs set out in my backyard at 20, 30, and 40yds for paper targets, and a small 4ft wide steel gallery with a thick plywood backer at 50yds with an assortment of spinners and small game flippers. Other than hunting, that is 100% of my airgunning these days. No desire to visit the range anymore.

I'd like to think all those target sets get equal time, but in reality the steels get more attention since I don't have to actually walk out there and set anything up or pull anything back afterwards. Sometimes it's nice to just plop down, cycle through a few mags, and then just walk back inside.

My year or so long foray into shooting slugs at 60-80yds (that's the max in my backyard) is over, thank the lord. Good riddance. What a PITA that was. But it sure was fun casually popping squirrels at 80yds from my deck in the evening. Man, those hollow point slugs really returned a loud "THWACK" even from that distance. Dropped em like a stone. :)
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My range with an air pistol 7 yards (my garrage) to 18-20 yards (my backyard).
My range with an air rifle (PCP) 30 yards to 70-80 yards.

My range for slingshots (no kidding) anywhere from 7 yards to 30 yards, and yes I miss a lot :)
My range for traditional archery about 18 yards.
I have target panic and I am more accurate with a slingshot.
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My club range is but 10 minutes from the house with steel out to 400 yards, plus the pistol range allows .22 cal stuff. I jumped in to the deep end of the PCP pool! Been interested for years, cost of air kept me away. I had budgeted 1000.00 dollars to suppress my .22 PB's. Spent it on PCP's instead. In fact a little more. Can't shoot the PB's in the backyard, don't like the smoke and lead in the basement. So I have 5 meters in the basement, and 10 and 20 meters in the backyard. Almost 100% retired, it's great to have the time to shoot.
I shoot mostly between 20-50 yards . That's the range I usually shoot pests at around the house. But do practice at less than 20y sometimes with the p700 and Prod for pests in the shop or close range.

Hitting a 6" target at 300 yards does little for me. Nothing I shoot has a 6" kill zone .
I find it as satisfying to make tiny little groups at short distances. I do look forward to messing about long range with the PCP's. Mostly I see the PCP world extending to around 100 yards, If something needs shooting at greater than 100 yards, I have better tools for that and greater distances. I also enjoy the QUIET of the PCP's, as does my bride. I made a pellet trap of a box and an old survival suit soaks up the impact noise nicely. The arm made a perfect SCBA bottle cover for my 30 minute bottle.
I find it as satisfying to make tiny little groups at short distances. I do look forward to messing about long range with the PCP's. Mostly I see the PCP world extending to around 100 yards, If something needs shooting at greater than 100 yards, I have better tools for that and greater distances. I also enjoy the QUIET of the PCP's, as does my bride. I made a pellet trap of a box and an old survival suit soaks up the impact noise nicely. The arm made a perfect SCBA bottle cover for my 30 minute bottle.
I have done some 100y target shooting and it was fun. But I have to drive a few miles so I mostly shoot groups at home where I have about 75y max . When my 5 shot groups get over an inch , that's my max . I prefer closer to a half inch or less.
I regularly shoot to about 80yds but alot are closer around 40-50yds. Just pellets. I've chased slugs, not very hard at all, but everytime I shoot them I worry about the downrange performance being too good on the dairy. So I've decided to just stick to pellets for good. I've also decided to go the other way in power. I'm gonna keep my .22 Vet Long at 34fpe, drop my .22 Vet Short from 30fpe to around 20fpe, then my Evol Mini from 30fpe to probably 12-14fpe. Alot of my shooting I'm realizing is closer than further. So I'm going to adjust to where I can grab a gun for whatever task I need instead of all kind of doing the same thing.
Dairybiy, I thought I remembered you posting on GTA (some years back), that you sold your TVLong. Did you rethink the bullpup thing and get another or is my memory wrong?