Average vilocity of Diana 52 .22cal

Dear jasmlowe,

If you have Diana 52 .22

Then plz tell me also that gun barrel twist rate in inches

You can measure your twist rate by:

1) put a tight fitting patch on a cleaning rod.

2) insert the rod into the barrel. 

3) make a circle around it with a sharpie where it goes into the barrel

4) make an index mark on the circle that lines up with something on the rifle.

5) push the rod into the barrel until you get one full rotation, note the direction of rotation.

6) mark a circle on the rod where it meets the barrel.

7) remove the rod and measure between the circles, one turn.

Now you know direction of rotation and distance per turn. (Someone correct me if I am wrong) Clockwise from the breech towards the muzzle is right hand twist.