Huben Avs .253 slugs for gk1

Anyone buying avs slugs deep dish .253 for their gk1 they shoot great mechanically no jams...but accuracy is none i thought there was something wrong with my new gk1 shots are all over on paper at 25 yards...then I used some 43 gr pellets are what a maybe the .254 are better for the avs brand. Just some word of advice I did a big order on the .253 like 10 bags on .253 all difference grains to find out this. ((I'm talking about heavy slugs pellets anything above 43 gr)))
this is an email correspondence between AVS and I in reference to the gk1 slugs. I use the AVS 254 42 flat and they shoot very accurately @ 50yrds. It was recommended by Kelly @ Krazcool because I have the gk1 and the K1 and it works well in both. They fit better than the NSA due to the fact that they are softer (pure lead vs lead W/ antimony).
I hope this is helpful.
By the way I tried the AEA pellets and they are loose due to a different skirt design than the JSB’s
The essential problem we are all have my with slugs in the GK1 magazine is designed for pellets and not slugs and we are trying to make it work accurately with slugs.
In order to make it a great slug pistol they would have to redesign the magazine.
I hope this is helpful.
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