back lit target

so i had a freebee light from HF . Hmmm can see .177 from 30 yards
DSCN0824 - Copy.JPG
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I like it

I did that as well for night shooting outdoor . Yours looks better then the one I hobbled together out of a cardboard box ..

I really need to get off my lazy butt and make a more permanent box as yours ..

Anyway looks good 👍
this one is a commercial metal box but small takes 5.5 inch wide target you can find on line . oh and not for high power the back is all dented up from 12 foot pounds impacts . you could put a liner inside i guess , good for 10 meter only guns , 3 to 6 FPE
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I used parchment paper on mine cause it was thin and lite up nice with h my black drawed bull / rings . Almost like glow in the dark target ..

I used a old lantern camp flashlight in it On a old device I busted I had pictures of it at night sadly can't retrieve them today .. 19m/59' pistol it was good . Rifle scoped to 25y was good too..
I'm really liking this target! This may act like a re-active target for having kids tune their guns. No moving parts, but quick visual hits that they can verify their impacts. We shoot in the basement range and the lighting could be better. This will definitely help. I may try white rings on black construction paper. Keep creating new ideas and making things better and more challenging. Moose :cool: