Back when we had cool/dangerous toys

Ha great find!

And to think I could buy 1/4 sticks of dynamite at the age of 11 at the firecracker stand in Ramstein Germany. That's what we called them and probably weren't the actual, but man they would blow stuff to smithereens. By the grace of God nobody got hurt but some stuff that shouldn't have been blown up, was :oops: :eek: 😆
We used to play with stuff after school that would get you on half a dozen different watchlists today. I don't much like the way everything now has been regulated or lawyer proofed so that we don't have things like seesaws, jungle gyms or diving boards anymore, but I'll concede the point when it comes to lawn darts. Those things were ridiculously dangerous and never should have been sold.
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Ha great find!

And to think I could buy 1/4 sticks of dynamite at the age of 11 at the firecracker stand in Ramstein Germany. That's what we called them and probably weren't the actual, but man they would blow stuff to smithereens. By the grace of God nobody got hurt but some stuff that shouldn't have been blown up, was :oops: :eek: 😆
When one bought those things in Mexico, they were called M-80s.
What’s interesting is we think we had some cool stuff, but I remember my dad one upping what we had back then. We were briefly into pistols that shot a dart with a suction cup on the tip. My buddy and I were shooting them at a dry erase looking score board. Then we started shooting each other in the forehead trying to get one to stick. My dad said they aren’t as powerful as they used to be. He went up in the attic and came down with a pair. You literally had to put the dart face down on something to get compressed into the barrel. They were next level powerful. Then he broke out some darts with the suction cup removed and sharpened to a point. We went downstairs and he shot one into a 2x4. My buddy and I were licking our chops and making plans but my dad only let us mess around with them a little and then they vanished. Don’t know what happened to them.
Did any of you guys get chemistry kits ?

I got that as a kid, and made all kinds og beguine stuff / experiments with it, so i was not even a teen before i / we made things that i can not mention as it will set off that black cube in Maryland, and waste the boy’s there time.
That one solely to blame on illicit literature imported from the USA 😁

Also CUZ i saw someone do it on TV and it was fairly easy, well i distilled / extracted a substance from a particular nut,,,,,, very nasty stuff.
also stuff that would make the boys in that Maryland cube waste their time, maybe even land me on a no fly list.

My friend is / have always been on a no fly list, since way - way before 9 - 11, apparently " creative " use of military grade explosives put you on a perpetual naughty list, even if you just destroy a ATM with the damn stuff,,,,,, not anything of that weird modern stuff some people will do.

Those spinning things, we had one of those on pour playground, a HUGE one with like at least 8 rows of benches on it, i assume 14 - 16 foot in diameter.
Also up under the canopy there was bars you could hang in.

And if you did that, as it was in a corner of the place near dense bushes and trees ASO, the big boys would sneak up on you, and jump out and make the damn thing spin so you was horizontal, and when your finally lost the grip, you would go flying into said bushes and trees, and your gyro being messed up would be the last of your problems.
??? Sorry, I don't understand.
I tried M-80's later on, and they're no where near the power of those 1/4 sticks.
Yeah..that’s totally believable. I’m guessing that the European made stuff is way better. I recently saw a video shot on New Year’s Eve in Naples Italy. All backyard fireworks but imagine every backyard in the entire city shooting off large commercial grade fireworks for about two our 4th of July finale but but instead of 5 minutes it’s two hours. 😮
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I tried M-80's later on, and they're no where near the power of those 1/4 sticks.
The 1/4 sticks were called blockbusters here in NYC back in the 80s. In high school we'd head down to Chinatown around the 4th of July and pick some up. Those things would set off car alarms for half a city block.
Back in the 60s I had a sidewalk rocket that you put a cap pistol cap in and threw it down on the sidewalk and it would fly up in the air. Well me being a genius at 10yrs old put 5 caps in it and threw it down. It came back up and hit me in the right eye and nearly blinded me with a detached retina and no lasers to reattach it. spent a month in the hospital with my head in sandbags to prevent me from moving my head to let it heal. I eventually regain most of my sight in that eye. My parents tried to sue the manufacturer but the judge through it out saying he does not reward stupid lol. The courts were much smarter then.
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