Most of us are bright enough to realize that if we dig hard enough on the internet, we can find some so called facts that align with our agenda or way of thinking. What’s curious is why would these sources waste their time and resources on swearing. Do they have an agenda? It would be cool if everyone bought what they are selling. Wouldn’t it be great to see Biden dropping F bombs on TV to show how intelligent he is.Obviously people who swear come form all walks of life, but to claim that swearing is a sign of intelligence? I think you'll have a great deal of difficulty validating that claim.
first off, i apologize because i didn't mean to say swearing was a sign of intelligence., i meant swearing is not a sign of low intelligence.
there is a difference between those 2 statements, if you are bright enough to distinguish between them.
5 reasons swearing is a sign of intelligence, helps manage pain and more
Polite society considers swearing to be a vulgar sign of low intelligence and education. That perception, as it turns out, is full of, uh ...
Science reveals benefits to 'sounding like a sailor'
Science shows using foul language may be beneficial. People who curse are seen as more honest, found to have a more fluent vocabulary and withstand more pain when using such
Swearing Is Actually a Sign of More Intelligence - Not Less - Say Scientists
The use of obscene or taboo language - or swearing, as it’s more commonly known - is often seen as a sign that the speaker lacks vocabulary, cannot express themselves in a less offensive way, or even lacks
Swearing Like A Sailor May Not Be Such A Bad Thing
Swearing could actually be an emotional release valve and studies show that people who swear like a sailor are more honest and more
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