Well I did it again. I fergot to turn on the pump when I started the compressor. Thought I smelled something odd burning, did not remember my YH smelling like that before, then I looked down and saw the smoke rising up from the head. The temperature read out just said "HI" never saw that in my three 100Deg C overheats of my first compressor. Anyway I plugged in the pump first then shut it down shortly after. Expected I had killed it as I ran it for at least 4 minutes, to fill my Impact which it did, without cooling. After a five minute cool down I turned it on and it reluctantly at first fired up. So I topped off my 90ci Ninja tank from 3000 to 4200psi expecting it to fail but it did not. Looks like I dodged the bullet again. The main reason I purchased a second compressor is because I had concerns about the longevity of my first since I had overheated it so many times. So I go and baptize the second with fire before I even had an hour on it. Grrr...