N/A Barra 1100Z slug info

I’m curious if anyone has shot slugs in the 22 cal Barra 1100Z. I have ordered the 22 in barrel to replace the original 19 in barrel. Both barrels are 1-16 tw. I have ordered some NSA 17.5 gr slugs to start with. I know it is not a powerhouse rifle, other than being inexpensive I just don’t care to shoot pellets. Just curious if anyone has any real world experience with this matter. I think it has enough lungs to shoot the 17.5 NSAs or the 18 Griffins. Thanks Gary
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I bought the 1100z .22 for myself at christmas time . It was very efficient for late season squirrels. I shot several dozen out to 40 yds.
Since then ive bought a couple regulated guns .
The 1100z does have pretty decent adjustment on the hammer spring, maybe you can get enough horsepower for a short string of lighter slugs . I look forward to reading your results.
Barra report, tried the NSA 17.5 gr .217 and it’s a no go. They won’t group and don’t fit in the magazine real well due to the ogive of the slug and short length. I will try the some Griffin 18 gr slugs. I do have an awesome tune for the JTS Dead Center 18.1 gr and Crosman Premier 14.3 gr. Both will shoot dime size 10 shot groups at 40 yds. Will post again when I get the Griffins and do some testing.
I have. It sucks. You may max out your scope because the gun is so underpowered. It was meant to be a 40 yd gun for backyard plinking. Buy something better. If you know someone who is interested, I will give them mine, just pay postage. Hopefully that will help you.
I've shot my Barra 1100z gen 1 in 22 cal out to 150 yards with 1 inch MOA with the Gamo Rockets 14.5 grain hunting pellets. Not a problem. I've now got the Barra 1100z gen 2 in 25 cal which has a internal regulator. If you want to you can pull the regulator out to adjust for more power. I spoke with Leo at Barra which sent me step by step instructions on how to turn the regulator up and is as followed in instructions below.
How to turn the regulator power up
with the Barra 1100z gen 2 in 22 / 25 cal
The easiest way to get to the regulator is to first degas the gun. Once the gun has been degased insert the fill probe into fill port and use it as a tool to unscrew the fill assembly. Take care to be gentle with the o-rings as you remove and later reinstall this. Now you need to make a tool to pull the regulator out. The regulator has M15 - 1.5 threads on the end. By epoxying the nut with that same thread on the end of a metal rod ( using all thread ) and make a handle on the other end you can make a retrieval tool to pull the regulator. Insert the retrieval tool down the end of the air tube and carefully thread it on the end of the regulator taking care not to cross thread. Now pull the regulator out. Again taking care as the o-rings pass through the threaded end of the tube. Now that you've got the regulator out it can be adjusted. Begin by loosing the lock nut. To increase pressure use a flathead screwdriver to increase power turn the adjuster screw counterclockwise not more than 20 - 30 degrees at a time and to decrease pressure to the regulator turn the adjustment screw clockwise. Now reassemble as it was and from there testing with a chronograph is the name of the game. Follow the hammer spring adjustment procedures from there to fine tune for good efficiency and power at the new regulated setting. Thought I'd get this useful information out there. Happy shooting / hunting.