N/A Barra 250Z

May 1, 2024
No Bottle or air tube. Here it is being tested using 21.9 Gr Pellets shooting just over 1000 fps. Looks interesting! Bolt action, and a Fellow on GTA posted it this morning.
I watched that video last night and I was really wondering how he was getting that speed and power for that many shots. I want to hear more people matching his results with a production gun. It just doesn't seem to add up to me, unless he got the numbers wrong for the size of the airtube. If I remember correctly he was getting 40 shots @ 1004fps using 21gr JTS with 250cc of air at 3600psi. Come on numbers gurus, does this look right? Seems really perfect if it holds up. Maybe I got the numbers wrong, I will rewatch it later.

Edit: 21.9gr AEA 1004fps 49fpe 45 shots
At Shot Show Barra said this gun would do 34fpe in .22 and 50fpe in .25. His results looked like they rebarreled a .25 to .22.
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I watched that video last night and I was really wondering how he was getting that speed and power for that many shots. I want to hear more people matching his results with a production gun. It just doesn't seem to add up to me, unless he got the numbers wrong for the size of the airtube. If I remember correctly he was getting 40 shots @ 1004fps using 21gr JTS with 250cc of air at 3600psi. Come on numbers gurus, does this look right? Seems really perfect if it holds up. Maybe I got the numbers wrong, I will rewatch it later.
He really doesn't say. I didn't see how it fills, where is the Pressure Guage? Too many things left out. I have not seen any other reviews out yet.
And for your Yard it appears that a good LDC is mandatory, so add another $100 plus to the cost! lol
Definitely mandatory here. I barely get to shoot my 30 cal and 357 because of neighbors. No one has complained since the one lady moved that bitched at me once, but I still try to be respectful.
If you go to the HAM Shot Show 2024 report it shows the bottom of the gun and the guages. I just don't understand the whole 45 shots at 49fpe with the air around the barrel. I am assuming it is a 250cc tank from the name, but I am not sure either. That's really good numbers if they actually market that. It is long, but since other prs and nrl22 guns have been out for a while now, the length shouldn't shock or surprise anybody at this point. I'd rather see things like this develop, than full-auto elephant guns.
If it is a straight up re-branded M30C the design is quite old. Watch the oring counter as he's working.

If it is a straight up re-branded M30C the design is quite old. Watch the oring counter as he's working.

It won't play for me.