N/A barrel bands,, yah or nay

have you ever seen a slo mo of a barrel while the projectile is traveling in it ? looks like a wet noodle . it actually has a wave fform and is timed so the muzzle is exactly in the same spot as the unfired barrel when the projectile leaves the muzzle . I am sure air rifle barrel's do the same in a smaller measurement .
I have 2 on my Avenger because I grab my rifle the way I always have my door gun, by the barrel. That's not great to do with an Avenger. You can definitely feel the barrel shroud and the air tube move. And following that flex there would sometimes be a POI change. So I added a barrel band and that mostly fixed it but I could still feel some movement between the shroud and air tube when picking up the gun. I decided to see if adding another would solidify the gun; it did. No more POI changes.
Is it ideal, no but it's a $400 gun.
I suspect I'll have no such issues or need with the BRK Sniper XR.
I've found that using a barrel band may cause poi shift with the expansion of the bottle if you live in hot climates.

Do all bottles expand/contract with temperature changes? Makes sense, but had not considered this.

Have been fighting accuracy inconsistency in my .22 Kratos, and ordered a 3D printed barrel band for it, but it didn't come close to fitting. So now I've got a Lothar Walther barrel being made for it. But when I was heading down the barrel band path, expansion/contraction of the bottle did not occur to me.
Do all bottles expand/contract with temperature changes? Makes sense, but had not considered this.

Have been fighting accuracy inconsistency in my .22 Kratos, and ordered a 3D printed barrel band for it, but it didn't come close to fitting. So now I've got a Lothar Walther barrel being made for it. But when I was heading down the barrel band path, expansion/contraction of the bottle did not occur to me.
That depends, what kind of inconsistent accuracy are you getting? Have you tried polishing lapping or recrowning the barrel first?
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I’m a big advocate for bottle to shroud bands, along with air tube to shroud bands like on Marauder type rifles. I had a lot of my bands custom made by Stuart at smwengineering in the UK. In fact, if you look at the pics of his bands on the wildcat MK2, the impact, the LCS, all those pics are ones I sent him of my own guns for use on his website. Did the bands help with protecting the shrouds from losing accuracy if I banged them or leaned the rifle barrel against a corner wall? You bet!

But, here’s the deal- in the last two years I decided to pursue competitive bench shooting, and what I found was the accuracy needed for that level of competition wasn’t happening with my guns. At best 3/4” groups at 50. I went down the path of tuning and retuning, pellet weight changes, liner twist rate changes, and on and on. On some days the gun shot better than norm, but most days just the norm. Long story short, it was the expansion of the bottle depending on air pressure amount, along with being at a bad place along the shroud, in controlling harmonics, that just made my gun a 3/4” group gun at 50. I needed better than that so on my designated target guns, the bands came off. Much better groupings came about, along with other mods I chose to do to finalize the accuracy.

But my two critter control guns, the MK2 wildcats, those still have the bands on them and those are both 1/2” to 5/8” group guns at 50 yards.

So depending on your main purpose of your gun, barrel bands have their place. But also know that your POI will vary depending on ambient temps, bottle pressures(did you finalize sight in on a full bottle or one 3/4 full?) and lastly the harmonics will be affected, good or bad, all depending on where along the shroud you secure your clamp on.
That depends, what kind of inconsistent accuracy are you getting? Have you tried polishing lapping or recrowning the barrel first?

A friend of mine who is a retired gunsmith recrowned the barrel, which didn't help. Then this happened...

Benjamin Kratos Review

So now I'm waiting for my new Lothar Walther barrel to arrive. Will know more after I've had some time with it.
I dare say that you have a very specific and different scenario. Due to shooting at 35 caliber round out of a not study .35 barrel and that length certainly didn't help. I tried using the Huma air tensioner/rail extender and and the gun looked great but anytime I wanted to shoot the gun for the first time. In the first few shots, the rounds would go like 6 inches to either the left or the right. And it never made sense.
Sounds like a different issue to me as I don't have the same issues. I am also use the huma tensioner rail setup, which is modified to accept the bc shroud. I am shooting 93 grain nsa's slugs at 930 fps currently with great accuracy in a 800mm heavy liner. I don't have a barrel band either.
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A friend of mine who is a retired gunsmith recrowned the barrel, which didn't help. Then this happened...

Benjamin Kratos Review

So now I'm waiting for my new Lothar Walther barrel to arrive. Will know more after I've had some time with it.
Oh. That specifically sounds like a barrel issue. If you have yet to use a chronograph to make sure the gun is consistent, I would do that now. Otherwise, Lothar walter making you a barrel is your best bet.
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