RAW Rapid Barrel length of new RAW ft pistol

I’ve read the barrel on this gun is 15”. If I’m seeing correctly it has an adapter on the end to accommodate an add on. The adapter puts the pistol over the limit for the rules. What am I missing?

Jerry L.
I’m not familiar with the rules. Does it state a 15” barrel max length? If so, maybe the threaded end is included in the length. Or is there a certain maximum OAL that includes the breech?

Perhaps @Kerndtc can chime in.
Length of the barrel itself plus any adapters cannot exceed 15”.
A wooden dowl is used to measure from tip of gun to barrel breech internally.
Moderator is only for backyard practice and must be removed during competition due to length.
Many pistols are like this because moderator’s usually put them out of the 15” range.
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I really can't tell anything about it from the picture other than it is nice.. you didn't answer my question, can the adapter be removed,? does it hold the shroud.. should be a way to get it to work, even if it is a custom built one that is flush with the barrel and then has internal threads for a back to back 1/2"x20 adapter to put on a moderator when you are not competing..
if you want help, I'd either need to see a diagram of how it is put together or a picture of the barrel, adapter and shroud disassemble to see how it goes together..
Length of the barrel itself plus any adapters cannot exceed 15”.
A wooden dowl is used to measure from tip of gun to barrel breech internally.
Moderator is only for backyard practice and must be removed during competition due to length.
Many pistols are like this because moderator’s usually put them out of the 15” range.
Any idea on the time frame that A/R will have an HFT Pistol for sale?
The length of the barrel and the adapter is just shy of 15". This pistol is completely compliant with AAFTA and EFT rules for the pistol class. Owners can add a moderator to the end of the barrel, but then the overall length will exceed the limits for AAFTA, but it would then be something you could shoot in AAFTA rifle classes by adding a buttstock too.
The RAW FT Pistol was built to the limits of the rules that maximize it's performance in FT Pistol competitions with no compromises.
I really can't tell anything about it from the picture other than it is nice.. you didn't answer my question, can the adapter be removed,? does it hold the shroud.. should be a way to get it to work, even if it is a custom built one that is flush with the barrel and then has internal threads for a back to back 1/2"x20 adapter to put on a moderator when you are not competing..
if you want help, I'd either need to see a diagram of how it is put together or a picture of the barrel, adapter and shroud disassemble to see how it goes together..
The adapter cannot be removed. It is 1/2"-20 threaded for a standard airgun moderator with the thread protector installed as shown in the picture above. You only need to remove the thread protector and screw on a moderator. This barrel doesn't have a shroud; it has a carbon fiber sleeve over the barrel.
Hope that helps.
The length of the barrel and the adapter is just shy of 15". This pistol is completely compliant with AAFTA and EFT rules for the pistol class. Owners can add a moderator to the end of the barrel, but then the overall length will exceed the limits for AAFTA, but it would then be something you could shoot in AAFTA rifle classes by adding a buttstock too.
The RAW FT Pistol was built to the limits of the rules that maximize it's performance in FT Pistol competitions with no compromises.
That answers my question, Thank you. All this talk about a 15" barrel and the added length of the adapter had me perplexed.
Jerry L.
I’m not familiar with the rules. Does it state a 15” barrel max length? If so, maybe the threaded end is included in the length. Or is there a certain maximum OAL that includes the breech?

Perhaps @Kerndtc can chime in.
Thanks for the tag so I could see the post! I'm on solo parent duty right now, Jeff took care of it before I even knew the question was asked.
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The adapter cannot be removed. It is 1/2"-20 threaded for a standard airgun moderator with the thread protector installed as shown in the picture above. You only need to remove the thread protector and screw on a moderator. This barrel doesn't have a shroud; it has a carbon fiber sleeve over the barrel.
Hope that helps.
the adapter has to be removable to take off the carbon fiber shroud id think.. if so you might be able to get a spare adapter and have the thread end turned off to get the right length.. or shorten the barrel and shroud so it will work like it is set up.. shortening the barrel and getting a good crown is pretty easy.. picture attached of one I just did on my lathe.. enlarge it and you can see it has clean crisp rifling ends..I shortened a notos and it has a moderator inside the shroud and it is surprisingly much quieter and more accurate.. I would have expected cutting 4" off the barrel would have made it louder.. and it is more accurate now too.. was a win win



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Just talked with RAW and they provided a price list for the TM1000 FT pistol (attached). They didn't indicate that barrel length was optional for the HM1000 FT pistol.

View attachment 430698

In multiple face-to-face conversations the RAW owners said they would provide any barrel length ordered. Perhaps they meant only for VIPs like me. :oops:


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In multiple face-to-face conversations the RAW owners said they would provide any barrel length ordered. Perhaps they meant only for VIPs like me. :oops:


I acknowledge that you are a VIP in the FT pistol and Extreme FT pistol world! I even have one of your books. But us regular folks rely on what is available off the shelf or web site. I have read that RAW is willing to make or modify one of their products to meet a customer's requirements but haven't pursued that avenue with them. Here is a link to their web site listing for the TM1000 FT pistol - https://www.rapidairworx.com/category-s/170.htm
the adapter has to be removable to take off the carbon fiber shroud id think.. if so you might be able to get a spare adapter and have the thread end turned off to get the right length.. or shorten the barrel and shroud so it will work like it is set up.. shortening the barrel and getting a good crown is pretty easy.. picture attached of one I just did on my lathe.. enlarge it and you can see it has clean crisp rifling ends..I shortened a notos and it has a moderator inside the shroud and it is surprisingly much quieter and more accurate.. I would have expected cutting 4" off the barrel would have made it louder.. and it is more accurate now too.. was a win win

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Mark, the threaded adapter and the carbon fiber sleeve are bonded to the barrel with adhesive. They aren’t designed to be removed. Modifying the barrel will only negatively affect the amazing accuracy of this pistol as delivered.
Mark, the threaded adapter and the carbon fiber sleeve are bonded to the barrel with adhesive. They aren’t designed to be removed. Modifying the barrel will only negatively affect the amazing accuracy of this pistol as delivered.
you mean they glued it all together? do they have a shorter one available.. if not there's a way around it.. machine a new adapter and turn off the original one.. I can't imagine that if it is just the threads that you would loose more than half a inch of barrel.. far as that goes, it's likely that the adapter could be re-machined on the barrel and rethread and if it is done correctly you won't notice any difference in accuracy.. unless it is a choked barrel.. that could be a different story.. but if it is not choked 1/2" isn't going to change accuracy more or less.. nothing noticable.. but it has to be recrown perfectly or you will have all fliers..
I still can't believe that I was able to shorten my notos barrel 4" and put inside the shroud a after market moderator and it's more accurate and quiet than factory.. I still need to out of curiosity check to see if the factory barrel was choked.. but you have to admit that taking 4" off the 11" barrel is a lot and yet it shoots better.. honestly I think a good even clean crown makes a big difference..
I'd offer if you could get a replacement barrel, so you are not out one to machine the end for you and then you could compare and see if you can tell any difference other than meeting the rules..
but I don't know the OD of your barrel.. my lathe through hole is 3/4 + and to get it perfect I work right at the chuck.. so I don't know if your barrel would fit..
id be happy to help you with it if I can, and if you can't get a barrel that's ok for the competition.. if you want help pm me and I will let you know if I can get it done in a reasonable time before my surgery.. I just don't want projects sitting around and someone wishing they had the part.. I'm very cheap, because I am retired and disabled and the machining is almost as fun as shooting.. and I am open to doing trades too.. actually I have lately only been doing trades or just for fun.. so if it's something I can help you with, the parts you order and shipping is going to be most of the expense.
glad to help if you want and if I can..