FX Barrel Tensioners - How well do they work really?

I am shooting rings only, 50 M and 100 M from a bench.
I have tried many scenarios and after loosing endless hours playing and couple hundred $'s down the pipe, me back again to original FX shroud design - and floating liners with orings. Pellets only up to 100M and no muzzle attachments.
My best results are by converting the liner into solid barrel, install original shroud and no barrel tension at all.
My best results are by converting the liner into solid barrel, install original shroud and no barrel tension at all.
I can agree with you about that, but for me a Twist rate is critical, and I am swapping liners easy.... also when you get to a point that need cleaning after each 150-200 shots 3-4 times a week... you may rethink ?
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I can agree with you about that, but for me a Twist rate is critical, and I am swapping liners easy.... also when you get to a point that need cleaning after each 150-200 shots 3-4 times a week... you may rethink ?
Oh I just make as many solid barrels as I need with various required twist rates. I just replace the front screw and end screw with transfer port and use other barrel made out of other liner with same front and rear screws.

I just need two twist rates for each caliber.
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In regards to barrel tensioners, cf sleeve infills and the such, imho, I believe they are first and foremost a money making venture, remember, fx is NOT in this for your benefit, they are here to make money. If poi shift due to moving the barrel is your problem, and it is a problem, then I suggest a better solution would be to install a bottle/barrel band to stiffen the barrel system. This should be a far more productive and cheaper solution than increasing the tension and possibly doing more harm than good. Many honest shooters have stated they have had no significant gain from sleeving and stiffening the barrel. The same can be said about the power block etc, etc, etc .If you have nothing else to spend your money on, go ahead knock yourselves out :)
I've wondered why FX would sell add on's like Barrel Tension Kits and carbon fiber liner sleeves designed for the end user to experiment with instead of factory producing optimized barrels using these products to begin with. My experience so far, ...Had an amazingly accurate 600mm barrel .22 caliber in my M3, got baited in by the Utube posts of enhanced accuracy by adding a CF liner sleeve after which I tried. Installed it first unbonded, tested, then bonded which resulted in wishing I'd never touched the thing. Now I know why before and after accuracy tests are hard to find when you would think they would be plentiful if the process actually worked as advertised. Feel like some of this stuff is prototype still in development instead of ready for primetime.
I am shooting rings only, 50 M and 100 M from a bench.
I have tried many scenarios and after loosing endless hours playing and couple hundred $'s down the pipe, me back again to original FX shroud design - and floating liners with orings. Pellets only up to 100M and no muzzle attachments.
Several months and approximately a thousand dollars later I tend to agree.
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On my M3 I had a tensioned barrel and a CF sleeve. It shot good, but not great.
Then I changed to an M4. I kept the factory shroud (because the barrel tensioner did not work on the M4, probably I need another front piece for that) and installed the CF sleeve. I took the sleeve because I had it, but I don't see a real difference from the oring-setup. I don't know if the shroud makes a real difference, but my M4 shoots great and not just good. So I agree with the above: not necessary to mess around with add-ons.
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Well asked basic question. As far as barrel tensioning goes, so far none of them work to actually tension the barrel because the force it would have to exert to tension the barrel starts at 2 tons of tension force which would not withstand either the barrel mount or the material of the tensioning shroud itself. In many cases, barrel tensioning alone is more detrimental than having a positive effect. A better solution to the poi shift would require the use of a barrel at least 20mm in diameter. As for fx airguns, the construction of the barrel itself when it is made up of several layers there no barrel tensioning system will basically affect anything because you cannot tension the liner itself. However, there is a small modification of the liner-carbon-wrapper connection to improve the poi shift. A good improvement in poi shift is provided by the plenum around the barrel which is offered by the Fx Panthera and its other clones. For these airguns it is ideal to use all available modifications to improve the poi shift and thus improve its accuracy even at high power. The shroud around the barrel performs a basic function and that is the soundproofing that is created when the shot is fired. The second secondary function is to stiffen the barrel. It is not entirely good to tighten the shroud with great force with the idea of helping to improve the poi shift. It doesn't work that way. Rather, you achieve barrel alignment.