N/A Barrel through Plentum VS. Barrel through Reservoir VS. Barrel through Plentum AND Reservoir ?

Airgun Al

Dec 6, 2023
Barrel through Plentum ....
Barrel through Reservoir
Barrel through Plentum AND Reservoir ...

This seems to be a new, and unique trend suddenly.
Will it stand the test of time, and offer a more stable P.O.I., or will it be just another gimmic?
Reguardles, there seems to be several different companies that are heading in this direction.

I made a quick list of rifles that offer this unique construction, and Im wondering if there are any others?

Altaros M24 (Barrel through reservoir)
Artemis M30 (Barrel through reservoir)
Evanix Viper Pistol (Barrel through reservoir)
JTS Thunderlance (Barrel through plentum)
JTS Shylock (Barrel through plentum)
FX Panthera (Barrel through plentum)
FX King (Barrel through plentum)
FX Dynamic (Barrel through plentum)
FX DBS Classic (Barrel through plentum)
FX DBS Pro (Barrel through plentum)
FX DBS Sub12 (Barrel through plentum)
Barra 250Z (Barrel through plentum AND reservoir)
JTS StealthHawk (Barrel through plentum AND reservoir)

Are there any other models that offer this unique construction?
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Time will tell. With a plenum, the pressure would remain stable, with the reservoir over the barrel and the pressure changes that naturally happen, I’m wondering how this would affect harmonics. The stiffness this system could add would be a big bonus though.
Let me preface this with saying, I'm asking because I don't know....
Wouldn't there be a wild change in pressure as you pull the trigger? I would think before and after a shot it's stable but during? What piece of info am I missing?
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I think air pressure surrounding the barrel would be a good stiffener and damper, but I also think that the changing air pressure and expansion/contraction of the air cylinder during pressure changes "could" affect point of aim, especially from shooting session to session. As we've seen on some guns with solid barrel bands, bending of the air cylinder can cause poi shift problems.
Time will tell.
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More funny, or maybe more me stupid.

But i often see talk about air around barrel might induce POI change or at least fluctuations in POI, i can not see why that should happen, the air pressure are the same on all sides of the barrel, and drop just as fast on all side of the barrel when shots are made.
So the only problem i can see would be if you fire very fast ( semi auto or full auto fast ) in which case there might be shock waves traveling back and forth in the reservoir, but then again some sort of baffle system maybe supporting barrel i assume would negate that problem.
What piece of info am I missing?
If there is a regulator, then it is just the plenum / regulated air you release by shooting, if it was a totally unregulated rifle then maybe.

And i would absolutely not think this would be a problem with rifles with old school fat barrels, but FX straws maybe, but i assume they have made some changes to that with this new para dime of theirs.
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Time will tell. With a plenum, the pressure would remain stable, with the reservoir over the barrel and the pressure changes that naturally happen, I’m wondering how this would affect harmonics. The stiffness this system could add would be a big bonus though.
Wouldn't there be a wild change in pressure as you pull the trigger? I would think before and after a shot it's stable but during? What piece of info am I missing?
I think air pressure surrounding the barrel would be a good stiffener and damper, but I also think that the changing air pressure and expansion/contraction of the air cylinder during pressure changes "could" affect point of aim, especially from shooting session to session. As we've seen on some guns with solid barrel bands, bending of the air cylinder can cause poi shift problems.
Time will tell.
But i often see talk about air around barrel might induce POI change or at least fluctuations in POI, i can not see why that should happen, the air pressure are the same on all sides of the barrel, and drop just as fast on all side of the barrel when shots are made.
The barrel through plentum design, would be subjected to drastic changes after each and every shot, but always return to a consistant pressure.
The barrel through a large reservoir design, would be subject to smaller changes between shots, but the pressure would decrease after each shot.
Perhaps Bara, and the JTS StealthHawk have the best idea, by having the barrel go through BOTH the plentum and the reservoir???
3 similar, yet completely different approachs.
I believe that at least one of these 3 methods, will be a step forward in air gun technology.
Its going to be interesting to see how this all plays out.