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Battle for the Pecan Tree has begun

These Two with my Cricket Mini + another not in pic. 3 more yesterday with the Walther LGV Master Pro in .22, all with Hades. 


What ranges are you getting your shots at? The squirrels look like the never knew what hit them.

These are b/w 25-30 yards. That Cricket can make kill shots well beyond 100 yards though. If you haven’t seen @Centercut taking shots with it at those distances, and making them count. I also posted a 100 yard video at the tiny metal silhouettes. 5 shots, 4 hits, that last one measuring less than 1.25”

The Cricket don’t play around. The LGV did require a follow up shot here and there. Frankly, the .177 LGV kills them deader quicker, go figure. I think I need more practice with the .22. 
What ranges are you getting your shots at? The squirrels look like the never knew what hit them.

These are b/w 25-30 yards. That Cricket can make kill shots well beyond 100 yards though. If you haven’t seen @Centercut taking shots with it at those distances, and making them count. I also posted a 100 yard video at the tiny metal silhouettes. 5 shots, 4 hits, that last one measuring less than 1.25”

The Cricket don’t play around. The LGV did require a follow up shot here and there. Frankly, the .177 LGV kills them deader quicker, go figure. I think I need more practice with the .22.

Not questioning the Crickets prowess, just curious as to distances. Most of my pesting is well within 50 yards.
Well done Christian!!! Good job exercising the pcp AND the spring gun. Way to stay balanced.

Do you eat those things?

I do, when I have time to clean them and process them. It’s mostly pesting though. When I cook them up, even the kids partake, but not the wife.

Last time I cleaned an cooked a couple in a crock pot until the meat just fell off the bones, and then made a pulled squirrel BBQ from it. It was really good, and one of the hunters from work asked to try some when he found out what I was doing with them. He also said that if was really good.

So, do they have a pecan flavor if you allow them to have a few before taking them?😁
Well done Christian!!! Good job exercising the pcp AND the spring gun. Way to stay balanced.

Do you eat those things?

I do, when I have time to clean them and process them. It’s mostly pesting though. When I cook them up, even the kids partake, but not the wife.

Last time I cleaned an cooked a couple in a crock pot until the meat just fell off the bones, and then made a pulled squirrel BBQ from it. It was really good, and one of the hunters from work asked to try some when he found out what I was doing with them. He also said that if was really good.

So, do they have a pecan flavor if you allow them to have a few before taking them?

Pulled squirrel BBQ .........I’m on it!