Bauer Compressor dilemma

i've come across a used Bauer Utilus 10G for a great price ($2250) in excellent condition. These German made compressors are excellent units and last forever, this one has a 5.5 HP Honda engine. Great shape, fills 4500 psi easily and quickly, and produces Diver Quality Air. 
My dilemma is justifying the purchase. I have three 4500 psi CFFCs, and my local dive shop charges $5 per fill. I only shoot 300 to 400 shots per week, so even with a .30 cal air rifle the 3 tanks last me a couple weeks at least. Hard to justify the cost of a compressor other than convenience...
What to do, what to do...?
It really comes down to convenience, i had a dive shop 30 miles away, he went out of business, i have two more about 45 miles away. Join their club, 5 dollar fills, but driving that far, waiting and having someone else handle my equipment.

The hassle of having to schedule the time, make the trip, maybe his system is down, maybe they got a new guy handling the tanks, maybe they'll go out of business who knows. At this point i don't care, my air is in my garage, can shoot all i want, without considering the trip and the other factors.

A matter of convenience, if the convenience and knowing that you are in total control isn't worth it, than go to the dive shop. When compressors like the bauer, daystate became fairly reasonable and reliable it was a no brainer for me.
Hello Centercut. Just my opinion but I wouldn't buy it. It may be a great deal, but. I have gas powered generators, compressors, pressure washers, chainsaws and lawn equipment. You need to use ethanol free gas and a stabilizer additive. If you don't use it regularly the carb will gum up and then you get to pull on the start rope until your blue in the face and totally pissed. You can also shut the gas off if it has a shutoff valve and run the carb dry. Next is they are noisy and the exhaust will need ventilated so can't really run it in a closed shop. They are heavy so moving each time you want to use it gets old. The gas powered units are really designed for divers to put on boats. I had the Omega that I put over 100 hours on and then traded for a Daystate. much faster. While tying up the $'s is to be considered if you keep it in good shape chances are you will get 75% of what you paid for it when you sell it. Sylvan
I'd go for it. I owned a Bauer Utilus for 3 years with no issues whatsoever. I sold it for exactly the same price I paid for it when I got an even better deal on a new Carette. I basically had free air for that period of time which saved me hundreds in fill costs plus the time and cost of travel. I'd rather have a nice compressor and be independent for my air needs than having one extra high dollar PCP. Don't forget that if you take care of your Bauer it should still be worth almost all you paid for it if you sell it.
Guys, thanks for your inputs, I appreciate it. I think I'm going to pass on this one. If it was electric, I'd buy it but Sylvan's points about maintaining the gasoline powered engine, even if it is a Honda, are valid. I'll just keep looking for now. I should have bought the Bauer Utilus that Steve (beeser) was selling on AGN when I had the chance. It was practically new and he was asking $2,200, but I waited too long and it sold quickly. 
The idea of having a gas powered compressor really sounds like the best air source to have. If the power ever went out for any significant amount of time, you still have air... as long as you always have fuel on hand for an emergency. Im in deep south Texas and i have a sister who has been bed ridden for over 10 years... we always keep 60 gallons of fuel stored just in case. Thats my 2cents.
"mark2cars"Wow you have me convinced to sell my .25 Cricket and buy a compressor !!! I am running on a 6000 psi nitrogen tank as I am 120 miles from the nearest dive shop !
I would buy it if I had the funds ! Just my penney's worth.
Sell a Cricket for any purpose except family medical emergency is near sacrilege. :p
I am using 6K N2 also and with my big bores I am badly needing a compressor as well. 
I am 170 mile round trip from N2 or a dive shop. Not too many places to dive in the upper Chihuahuan desert of Texas.

After buying an Omega super charger I don't do those 2600 fills anymore to maximize the tanks capabilities,every fill is 3k. Don't worry about any variations in trying to adjust your shooting to the fill pressure. Don't squeeze out that last tank shooting 10 rounds per 2200 fill. I would convert to 220v ,maybe 2.5 or 3 hp. Last a lifetime. Pellet usage will correspondingly increase with the "who cares anymore "attitude , though. At least that has been my experience. I live in Ensenada and my dive shop fills were only $4. Tom
Buy it and buy it now...You will never go wrong with this compressor. Had one on my boat in Florida. Taking care of the gasoline engines are easy especially if you purchase 93 octane marine fuel (No Ethanol). If you do run ethanol laced fuel from your local gas station you will need to address its effects by adding some additives available at many auto parts stores and for long term storage. Get some StaBil for the fuel as well. 
Sure an electric driven compressor would be more desirable for most of us but the price of the unit you described is good. Take advantage while you have the opportunity. If it doesn't work out there are plenty of us out here that would gladly take it off your hands for what you have in it...