Be careful doing conversions

I believe this falls into the category of "Don't do stupid things". If you look at the pictures closer, it looks like it was a co2 gun converted to PCP with a disco valve, and he was only using one screw to secure the valve. Pressure is not a problem when all engineering controls are in place.

If my understanding of physics is correct, the weak link in the Marauder tube is the threads at the fill valve. Those threads would sheer long before the bolts in the valve body with sheer. It was designed that way for that very purpose. It is also my understanding that most manufacturers limit their fill pressure to 3000 psi in unregulated guns because it's harder to build a valve that is efficient beyond that pressure.

In today's society, where a lawsuit is filed over almost anything, manufacturers have to allow large safety factors in their products to avoid costly lawsuits. As an example, it is my understanding that the paintball company Ninja test their carbon fiber tanks to 15000 psi. Should you fill that carbon fiber tank to 6000 psi? Probably not a good idea, but they have to plan for an idiot that would do that.
To save any confusion, that is neither a marauder rifle or a marauder pistol. I am assuming based on the one bolt in the valve and the lack of holes for bolts to pin the valve on the sides of the airtube that someone tried to convert a 17xx or 22xx series co2 gun to pcp and failed miserably. And as to the threads of a Marauder failing before the valve retention screws, all actual tests indicate that the valve retention screws are the fail point.