Be careful walking in public with your air gun in plain view

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Not sure how useful it would end up being, but I saw a suggestion for an orange protective sleeve for your moderator such as the ones here in this video I was watching yesterday by Swamp Fox Adventures titled AEA .30 Cal HP SS Semi-Auto Egyptian Geese Hunting (not sure how to link two things on mobile).
Link to video for anyone interested in hearing his reasoning for the orange covers or seeing them.
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I’m glad I grew up in the time period I did, dad bought me a Daisy with peep sites for my B day in 71, I was six.
He taught me how to use the sites and told me what I could and couldn’t shoot, I knew he would beat my a$$ if I done differently and was caught.
By age 9 my crosman pump was always in hand when headed out the road about a mile to my friends house and the same for him coming to my house.
Nobody gave us a second look and we shot the crap out of stuff. Different times for sure, the early 70s was a great time to be a kid.
The teachers and police did what they were supposed to do. You don't carry a gun (firearm or not) on school grounds and not expect there to be repercussions. Open carry is also illegal so those kids really are lucky they weren't confronted by more trigger happy police officers.

The charges are absolutely bogus though and won't stick. That was the only over reaction made here. If I were to venture a guess I would bet it is to scare some common sense into two dumb kids.
45 States currently allow open carry. 38 of them allow open carry without a permit. Seven of them require a permit. Perhaps your state is not one of them I don't know. I do know you're making a lot of assumptions.

The kids were not on school property. They were on a public sidewalk outside the fence.

The teachers overreacted. The police overreacted once they realized they were not dealing with a firearm.

That's an opinion and I'm entitled to mine as much as you are entitled to yours. Have a lovely day.
45 States currently allow open carry. 38 of them allow open carry without a permit. Seven of them require a permit. Perhaps your state is not one of them I don't know. I do know you're making a lot of assumptions.

The kids were not on school property. They were on a public sidewalk outside the fence.

The teachers overreacted. The police overreacted once they realized they were not dealing with a firearm.

That's an opinion and I'm entitled to mine as much as you are entitled to yours. Have a lovely day.

Florida is not one of those states which is where this took place. Didn't think I needed to make the distinction.

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion. In my opinion it is wrong though and not telling knuckleheads like this that they were in the wrong is further damaging to our already heavily scrutinized rights.
Florida is not one of those states which is where this took place. Didn't think I needed to make the distinction.

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion. In my opinion it is wrong though and not telling knuckleheads like this that they were in the wrong is further damaging to our already heavily scrutinized rights.
Read what I wrote, not what you imagined I wrote.

You can tell kids what the best course is without overreacting.

Protecting your rights WILL ALWAYS involve asserting them, not giving them up to appease the ignorant.
Read what I wrote, not what you imagined I wrote.

You can tell kids what the best course is without overreacting.

Protecting your rights WILL ALWAYS involve asserting them, not giving them up to appease the ignorant.
I read what you wrote. Maybe read what I wrote bud. Guns don't belong near schools. I agree that the police could have handled it differently but saying they over reacted (which you did) is wrong. You assume a gun is live and ready to shoot especially one that looks like a real rifle. The cops did their jobs and they did it without gunning down 2 kids. The rest is up to the prosecuter.
BB guns are not guns. You KNOW that, right?

Did you see someone say guns should be taken to school? That said the fact that as late as 20 years ago in this county young men took their hunting rifles to school from their deer blinds AND THERE WERE NO SHOOTINGS should INFORM anyone with a brain that the problem we are trying to solve by banning guns has absolutely nothing to do with guns AND EVEN LESS to do with BB guns.

These knee jerk, feel good, reactionary rules are not solving the problem. Encouraging them makes things worse not better.

But hey, go you.🙄
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What's a "slungshot"?
The serious answer is that a slungshot has nothing to do with a slingshot. It is a different kind of primitive weapon, namely a sack that contains loose, dense, heavy items (maybe where the “shot” comes from—lead shot).***

The sack or whatever is wielded by the attacker, sort of like a club.

Unfortunately, some lawmakers confuse slinghot and slungshot. This was a problem in WA state, for example. The weapon intended for banning was correctly named and spelled as “slungshot.” Somewhere along the chain of group edits, somebody carelessly assumed it should have read “slingshot” and that’s what became formalized.

How did I learn this...I owned a slingshot for backyard plinking when I lived in WA. Never got in trouble for it, but I wondered if some jerk would call LE about it.

*** EDIT
According to, “slungshot” has a wider variety of designs than I realized when writing the above. But clearly, the devices are not the same as a slingshot.
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Florida is not one of those states which is where this took place. Didn't think I needed to make the distinction.

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion. In my opinion it is wrong though and not telling knuckleheads like this that they were in the wrong is further damaging to our already heavily scrutinized rights.
To think that if they had a Fishing Rod, they would have been fine, go figure.

BB guns are not guns. You KNOW that, right?

Did you see someone say guns should be taken to school? That said the fact that as late as 20 years ago in this county young men took their hunting rifles to school from their deer blinds AND THERE WERE NO SHOOTINGS should INFORM anyone with a brain that the problem we are trying to solve by banning guns has absolutely nothing to do with guns AND E EN LESS to do with BB guns.

These knee jerk, feel good, reactionary rules are not solving the problem. Encouraging them makes things worse not better.

But hey, go you.🙄
There have been 1924 school shootings between 1970 and 2022, so there have been school shootings more than 20 years ago. 43% of the school shooters were current students. The number one age of the offender is 17, followed by 16, and then 15.

The first recorded school shooting was in 1853, the first mass shooting at a school was in 1891.

Read this page

To get a better idea of the history of school shootings. I guess the internet wasn't as fast back in the 1800's and 1900's so that people would be aware of the occurrence of school shootings.

I am not at all for banning guns, there are plenty of already unenforced gun laws with lax sentencing. The problem has grown as a problem with society with as many theories as anyone needs. But you need to get a better idea of the facts.
The serious answer is that a slungshot has nothing to do with a slingshot. It is a different kind of primitive weapon, namely a sack that contains loose, dense, heavy items (maybe where the “shot” comes from—lead shot).***

The sack or whatever is wielded by the attacker, sort of like a club.

Unfortunately, some lawmakers confuse slinghot and slungshot. This was a problem in WA state, for example. The weapon intended for banning was correctly named and spelled as “slungshot.” Somewhere along the chain of group edits, somebody carelessly assumed it should have read “slingshot” and that’s what became formalized.

How did I learn this...I owned a slingshot for backyard plinking when I lived in WA. Never got in trouble for it, but I wondered if some jerk would call LE about it.

*** EDIT
According to, “slungshot” has a wider variety of designs than I realized when writing the above. But clearly, the devices are not the same as a slingshot.
AKA a "sap". AKA "blackjack"
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There have been 1924 school shootings between 1970 and 2022, so there have been school shootings more than 20 years ago. 43% of the school shooters were current students. The number one age of the offender is 17, followed by 16, and then 15.

The first recorded school shooting was in 1853, the first mass shooting at a school was in 1891.

Read this page

To get a better idea of the history of school shootings. I guess the internet wasn't as fast back in the 1800's and 1900's so that people would be aware of the occurrence of school shootings.

I am not at all for banning guns, there are plenty of already unenforced gun laws with lax sentencing. The problem has grown as a problem with society with as many theories as anyone needs. But you need to get a better idea of the facts.
No new information there. You will observe I was talking about "this county". But yes I understand the problem isnt completely new.

Question for you though, how many school shootings have the safe zones and knee jerk bannings prevented? Has the incidence of these crimes per capita gone up or down since the creation of these laws?

You must have that information?
To think that if they had a Fishing Rod, they would have been fine, go figure.

We live in a world of the Karen now. When my son was a teen he walked out of a army surplus store to meet me at a Target store. Shortly after we met up a cop shows up because my son was reported walking down the street wearing a long black leather jacket. The cop even said it was all some kind of sick joke but he still had to investigate it. That Karen probably felt like she saved the planet by reporting a teen in a long black leather jacket.
I saw this when it first came out and while I think the teacher made a prudent choice and called law enforcement, when it became clear these guys were simply walking from one place to another that should have been the end of it. As kids we carried air guns all the time. We knew better than to act foolishly or stupidly. If kids now don’t know better they should learn and not just shooting. What’s happening to them now is outrageous.
Rick H.
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