Be careful walking in public with your air gun in plain view

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No new information there. You will observe I was talking about "this county". But yes I understand the problem isnt completely new.

Question for you though, how many school shootings have the safe zones and knee jerk bannings prevented? Has the incidence of these crimes per capita gone up or down since the creation of these laws?

You must have that information?
The second site I linked is for the US which I believe you are referring to when referencing "this country" I would say the security of schools has increased, but the increase in shootings, at schools and elsewhere has increased without a doubt due to problems in society I don't think is relevant to this site and I'd probably get a warning or more. No, safe zones and bannings are nothing more than a feel good, look what we're doing to combat the problem move by politicians .

Is it harder to get into a school to commit an act of mass violence? Yes, can a determined individual still get into a school and go on a shooting spree? Yes. People rob banks, stores, etc. That doesn't mean we just make it easy to do.
Could Laurie Dann get into a properly secured school and start shooting kids? Probably not. So it's worth it. It's a terrible thing to have children have to do armed intruder drills, it's an even worse thing to bury children that are victims of violence.

The problem is not gun control or the availability of guns. I'm not a psychologist or a sociologist, just a retired cop with my inside view on violent behavior. I am also part time security at a local high school.

I'm thinking accountability, repurcussions, and going back to where we allowed youth to experience failure and deal with it in a healthy way is a good place to start.
The second site I linked is for the US which I believe you are referring to when referencing "this country" I would say the security of schools has increased, but the increase in shootings, at schools and elsewhere has increased without a doubt due to problems in society I don't think is relevant to this site and I'd probably get a warning or more. No, safe zones and bannings are nothing more than a feel good, look what we're doing to combat the problem move by politicians .

Is it harder to get into a school to commit an act of mass violence? Yes, can a determined individual still get into a school and go on a shooting spree? Yes. People rob banks, stores, etc. That doesn't mean we just make it easy to do.
Could Laurie Dann get into a properly secured school and start shooting kids? Probably not. So it's worth it. It's a terrible thing to have children have to do armed intruder drills, it's an even worse thing to bury children that are victims of violence.

The problem is not gun control or the availability of guns. I'm not a psychologist or a sociologist, just a retired cop with my inside view on violent behavior. I am also part time security at a local high school.

I'm thinking accountability, repurcussions, and going back to where we allowed youth to experience failure and deal with it in a healthy way is a good place to start.
My how the world has changed... Blame it on whatever but something went wrong somewhere... My sophomore year in highschool in shop class several of us built muzzleloaders and knives for our projects..our junior and senior years our old beat up trucks had gun racks in the windows... Stacked with a rifle and shotgun.. usually loaded...more ammo behind the seat... If anyone had a problem with one another a good ole fashioned fist fight between the two took place and it was over... No stabbings.. definitely no pulling out a gun and shooting anyone in arms way... It just didn't happen... Was a I afraid of the! They were to be respected as your elders... Dad on the other hand.. could/would/did.... Put the fear of God himself in ya...... Me my kids and my grandkids thank you...Dad!!
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Just to take a look at the extreme of a situation sort of like this. A home owner was awakened by noises in the backyard. He saw flashlights moving around so he picked up his gun and turned on the lights. A cop in the front yard saw him holding a gun and shot and killed him while he was still inside of his house. The reason that the cops were there had nothing to do with him in the first place. I'm just saying that we live in a different world now and have to account for that.
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Just to take a look at the extreme of a situation sort of like this. A home owner was awakened by noises in the backyard. He saw flashlights moving around so he picked up his gun and turned on the lights. A cop in the front yard saw him holding a gun and shot and killed him while he was still inside of his house. The reason that the cops were there had nothing to do with him in the first place. I'm just saying that we live in a different world now and have to account for that.
Well you really can't claim that most police are well trained, as has been my experience. In California, the full-time, 888-hour intensive course load training requirements for entry-level peace officers are set by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST)

Hair Cosmetologist
  • Two years earning an associate degree. Depending on your goals, you might be able to enroll in an accelerated program, which takes about nine months to complete.
  • Two or more years completing an internship. Most salons require you to have plenty of practical experience before they will hire you. An internship is one of the best ways to get that experience.
Being that no one has ever died from a bad hair cut can we increase police training to 2 years as a minimum. With more time spent on Constitutional issues, instead of Tactics, and SWAT.

We live in a world of the Karen now. When my son was a teen he walked out of a army surplus store to meet me at a Target store. Shortly after we met up a cop shows up because my son was reported walking down the street wearing a long black leather jacket. The cop even said it was all some kind of sick joke but he still had to investigate it. That Karen probably felt like she saved the planet by reporting a teen in a long black leather jacket.
Did that happen after the Columbine shootings? Trench coat paranoia.
Glad I live way out in the woods, nobody to complain about anything. We have both open and Constitutional carry here. It's bear country so you'll see plenty of people in town carrying something. Nobody gives it a second thought. I grew up here, and back in high school in the early 80's we'd have a shotgun and/or rifle in the rack in your pickup because most of us, including many teachers and the principal, would go hunting after school. Just keep them unloaded and locked in your vehicle and it was no big deal.

How the world has changed.
Just to take a look at the extreme of a situation sort of like this. A home owner was awakened by noises in the backyard. He saw flashlights moving around so he picked up his gun and turned on the lights. A cop in the front yard saw him holding a gun and shot and killed him while he was still inside of his house. The reason that the cops were there had nothing to do with him in the first place. I'm just saying that we live in a different world now and have to account for that.
I’m pretty sure that cop is in prison……yes different world now and not getting better. The push is to encourage police to not do their jobs and I don’t blame them. Edit for clarity…don’t /won’t blame the cops when they refuse to do their jobs.
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In my state and particular area, it is not illegal to walk in view of the public while carrying an air rifle. And no, I’m not talking about restricted areas such as near schools. With that said, I don’t care if the sight of my air rifle offends someone, or frightens them or, whatever their emotional response may be. If it’s legal, it’s legal! Their emotions do not trump my rights.
Enough with the tiptoeing around snowflakes so as not to offend them. In fact I actually hope I do offend their emotions.
Just to take a look at the extreme of a situation sort of like this. A home owner was awakened by noises in the backyard. He saw flashlights moving around so he picked up his gun and turned on the lights. A cop in the front yard saw him holding a gun and shot and killed him while he was still inside of his house. The reason that the cops were there had nothing to do with him in the first place. I'm just saying that we live in a different world now and have to account for that.
That’s just making excuses for incompetent and corrupt police. Those officers need to be criminally accountable for 1st degree murder and the the consequences of their actions.
That’s just making excuses for incompetent and corrupt police. Those officers need to be criminally accountable for 1st degree murder and the the consequences of their actions.
They often are/were justly and unjustly. That above situation while tragic didn’t warrant any charges and such things will cause apathy in police response. It’s a careful what you wish for thing. Just ask Chicago.
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In my state and particular area, it is not illegal to walk in view of the public while carrying an air rifle. And no, I’m not talking about restricted areas such as near schools. With that said, I don’t care if the sight of my air rifle offends someone, or frightens them or, whatever their emotional response may be. If it’s legal, it’s legal! Their emotions do not trump my rights.
Enough with the tiptoeing around snowflakes so as not to offend them. In fact I actually hope I do offend their emotions.
My oldest daughter and my wife were traveling to Flagstaff. They stopped at a Denny's to have breakfast in Kingman. There was a guy and his family eating their breakfast. My daughter seen he was packing which is totally legal in AZ by the way. She gets all scared and whispers to my wife he's got a gun! My wife informed my daughter who at the time was in her early 40s that it was perfectly legal. She comes back "but he might be a mass murderer? Yes, she's a snow flake.😡 Her husband made her 1with all of his...... My daughter use to love to go shooting with me but not now.😡😡 My other 3 children aren't snow flakes thank God. 😁
That’s just making excuses for incompetent and corrupt police. Those officers need to be criminally accountable for 1st degree murder and the the consequences of their actions.
Worst case scenario that one would be manslaughter. I do think that it is awfully easy to judge a police officer who's trying to do his job especially if you don't have any experience in that arena.

Here's an example. I'm a HAM radio operator I was working on an antenna at the local State health department one afternoon couple of years ago. I was using a network analyzer which is a little tool kind of like a cell phone that you connect into an antenna to find out the properties of the antenna. I couldn't see the screen cuz the sun was bright there wasn't any shade and I couldn't go anywhere else to do the work. I looked around for something to make shade with. Then I remembered I had my ghillie suit in my truck. Well I went and got my ghillie suit. I wrapped up in it and I hunkered down over the base of that antenna and I went back to work. Four or five minutes later I hear somebody say, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!". Well I can't see him and I thought it was one of the other volunteers so I said, "What are YOU doing?!", Without looking up. He repeated his question and I mimicked him again but something didn't sound right so I peeled back my hood and turned up a little bit so that I can see him.

There was one of the sheriff's deputies all white-faced with his hand on his gun. AYUP, one of the employees at the health department had seen me and gotten spooked.

My immediate reaction was to say to him, "WHOA wait a minute let's just slow down and let you calm down I'm going to move my hands where you can see them and turn around".

It turned out that he was an Afghan veteran and hadn't been back but about a year. That situation could have gone very badly. And I was the person who set it up basically. He was so keyed up that he might have shot me if I had just spun around and said, "WHAT!"

But his training probably saved my life because he wasn't actually holding that revolver with it pointed at me.

So the cop bashing needs to stop. People need to put themselves in the shoes of the police officers and understand that when a man feels like his life is in danger he's more likely to make mistakes and the only thing that can mitigate situations like that is training and training and more training. That takes funding.
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In my opinion I don't believe the school or the police did anything wrong up until the time they charged them with multiple felonies. Given past and recent history it's prudent to assume that any gun that looks relatively real is real and to take the threat seriously. I don't believe in Orange tips on guns meaning they are harmless. That's a false assumption. Criminals can easily paint their real guns with orange tips does that mean you should not take the threat as a real possibility? Charging the kids with felonies for walking through the street with air rifles is crazy. There are numerous cities throughout the United States that allow multiple burglaries armed assault carjackings with no charges whatsoever.
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Worst case scenario that one would be manslaughter. I do think that it is awfully easy to judge a police officer who's trying to do his job especially if you don't have any experience in that arena.

Here's an example. I'm a HAM radio operator I was working on an antenna at the local State health department one afternoon couple of years ago. I was using a network analyzer which is a little tool kind of like a cell phone that you connect into an antenna to find out the properties of the antenna. I couldn't see the screen cuz the sun was bright there wasn't any shade and I couldn't go anywhere else to do the work. I looked around for something to make shade with. Then I remembered I had my ghillie suit in my truck. Well I went and got my ghillie suit. I wrapped up in it and I hunkered down over the base of that antenna and I went back to work. Four or five minutes later I hear somebody say, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!". Well I can't see him and I thought it was one of the other volunteers so I said, "What are YOU doing?!", Without looking up. He repeated his question and I mimicked him again but something didn't sound right so I peeled back my hood and turned up a little bit so that I can see him.

There was one of the sheriff's deputies all white-faced with his hand on his gun. AYUP, one of the employees at the health department had seen me and gotten spooked.

My immediate reaction was to say to him, "WHOA wait a minute let's just slow down and let you calm down I'm going to move my hands where you can see them and turn around".

It turned out that he was an Afghan veteran and hadn't been back but about a year. That situation could have gone very badly. And I was the person who set it up basically. He was so keyed up that he might have shot me if I had just spun around and said, "WHAT!"

But his training probably saved my life because he wasn't actually holding that revolver with it pointed at me.

So the cop bashing needs to stop. People need to put themselves in the shoes of the police officers and understand that when a man feels like his life is in danger he's more likely to make mistakes and the only thing that can mitigate situations like that is training and training and more training. That takes funding.
In this scenario my friend, we will agree to disagree.
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BB guns are not guns. You KNOW that, right?

Did you see someone say guns should be taken to school? That said the fact that as late as 20 years ago in this county young men took their hunting rifles to school from their deer blinds AND THERE WERE NO SHOOTINGS should INFORM anyone with a brain that the problem we are trying to solve by banning guns has absolutely nothing to do with guns AND EVEN LESS to do with BB guns.

These knee jerk, feel good, reactionary rules are not solving the problem. Encouraging them makes things worse not better.

But hey, go you.🙄
No sh*t they aren't doing any good. Nobody here said they were. The solution isn't "more guns in school zones" though. This isn't the 70s and 80s anymore no matter how much people like you wish they were. We actually do have a problem and until that problem is fixed we need to play the game a little better and smarter.
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