Beeman Beeman P1/ HW45 Older breach seal size/Custom Air Seal Piston Seal

I just acquired an older Beeman P1 (San Rafeal) Serial number is in the 3034xx range. My understanding is that the breach seal on the older ones is a different size from the others with serial numbers above 310000. I have searched the internet and haven't been able to find the answers to these questions.
1. Does anyone know the correct size Breach Seal for these older pistols? If I understand correctly the size for the newer pistols is #009.
2. Has anyone had any experience with Custom Air Seals of Australia Piston Seal for this model? This is a Parachute Moly impregnated design seal instead of the Teflon factory seal.
3. Has anyone used a main spring other than factory, and if so, what was your opinion of that spring?

This pistol appeared to be very little used. The grease in the compression tube was pretty much dried up, so I didn't even try to shoot it, just stripped it down for a deep clean.
The original spring appeared to be perfectly straight, but only 8.25 inches long, with 31 coils. Does this seem short for a worn in mainspring, or should I just use it as is?
I am not sure of the correct size O-Ring, but is not what size PA supplied - see attached PDF.
I like the Aussie seals, I have used them and they are far superior to the original or current HW one.
I have replaced the spring with a ARH spring, which is no longer available, is was made with the OEM specs.
The OEM spring is good.

View attachment P1 Breech Seal.pdf
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22-11-2017, 03:27 PM#3
1airways is offline
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Originally Posted by Benelli B76 View Post
If you have the pistol why not just measure the old seal or the recess size with a Vernier. Then buy half a dozen cheap from Polymax.

Thanks I did that and got 10 off for £2 next day delivery inc

Size cs 1.5 ID 5 mm

All sorted now
Thanks marflow 777, just what I needed for the breach seal. I just ordered off of amazon.

uxcell Nitrile Rubber O-Rings, 8mm OD 5mm ID 1.5mm Width, Metric Sealing Gasket, Pack of 50​

Robert 5mm, when these come in I will test them, and if they work I will let you know and can send a few your way if you need them.

I had also thought about replacing the piece that holds the breach seal, but that seemed excessive. I wonder if anyone has done that just so they could use the larger seals.
i have plenty of Orings
i had to look hard for this answer and i assume it is correct
everything i read was measure the damn thing and figure it out yourself and in this case that is what happened
but i will be the first to tell you after chasing Oring ring sizes for 15+ years they can be tricky to find and to measure
oh i know all the places to find them but still
sometimes you take a flyer and buy several sizes and hope for the best