I’m trying it understand Belleville washers in general. For instance, are they and the way they are positioned, the component that is most directly involved in the psi you set in a regulator. How does their positioning increase or decrease the ability to set the psi you want and how does that work.
For example, if you set the washers like this
)()()()()()( what is the expected outcome on a 4500 psi tank?
Or if you have ))(())(())(())(( or )))((()))((()))?
Does it allow for you to set the psi higher because it’s stronger and won’t collapse from the air in the plenum pushing it back to close the air between the regulator and tank?
I’m still not sure, if just single discs does this mean u can’t set the psi too high because it’ll flatten at lower psi and thus close the regulator air pathway? Is this setup then good for if u want a low psi setup for each shot. And the screw adjustment, how does that impact the Belleville washers? Lastly, if you don’t use enough or too many Belleville washers, what happens? Thanks I know that’s a lot, I just want to understand.
I’m trying it understand Belleville washers in general. For instance, are they and the way they are positioned, the component that is most directly involved in the psi you set in a regulator. How does their positioning increase or decrease the ability to set the psi you want and how does that work.
For example, if you set the washers like this
)()()()()()( what is the expected outcome on a 4500 psi tank?
Or if you have ))(())(())(())(( or )))((()))((()))?
Does it allow for you to set the psi higher because it’s stronger and won’t collapse from the air in the plenum pushing it back to close the air between the regulator and tank?
I’m still not sure, if just single discs does this mean u can’t set the psi too high because it’ll flatten at lower psi and thus close the regulator air pathway? Is this setup then good for if u want a low psi setup for each shot. And the screw adjustment, how does that impact the Belleville washers? Lastly, if you don’t use enough or too many Belleville washers, what happens? Thanks I know that’s a lot, I just want to understand.