I think so. This is a 2003 Silver Streak in 5 mm. They were still offering the Walnut on the 5mm. At least for a while longer. Crosman did make some good improvements to the Benjamin/Sheridan line. For about 5 years.
1. Full size Walnut stock with butt plate and white line stacker.
2. Extended cocking handle
3. Robotic welding (soldiering) of the barrel to receiver. Stronger and cleaner.
4. Hammer guide rod. (Smoother cocking cycle)
5. Multi-lever trigger unit. More difficult to tune (very doable) but safer in the end.
I have owned/worked/shot all the models from the Sheridan to the Benjamin/Sheridan to the Crosman B/S. This Crosman model is by far my favorite. The only draw back to this model is the large cutout in the stock for the trigger unit. If cocked using the butt pad against the floor (mostly kids method) it can damage (crack) the stock. As is the op’s gun is. Especially if the stock screw becomes loose.
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